SECTION 21451-21459
21451. Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, inspection of carcasses with the hide on and of hides shall be made in the same manner as inspection of cattle pursuant to Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 21051) of this division. 21452. The chief may provide for the release of hides or carcasses from inspection in cases in which inspection would serve no useful purpose. 21453. A new inspection need not be made of the hide or carcass of an animal which was previously inspected as follows: (a) Inspected pursuant to subdivision (e) of Section 21051. (b) Inspected pursuant to subdivisions (d), (f) and (g) of Section 21051 and slaughtered in accordance with Section 21057. (c) Inspected pursuant to Section 22004 and subdivision (c) of Section 22008. 21455. Every person not a licensed slaughterer that slaughters any cattle or calves and does not send the carcass and hide to a licensed frozen food locker plant pursuant to Section 22003 shall do all of the following: (a) Keep in his possession the hide, with the brands attached to it, without any alteration or disfiguration, until the hide is inspected or released. (b) Exhibit the hide to any inspector or peace officer on demand. 21456. A person shall not have in his possession a carcass or any meat from a carcass which was not slaughtered by a licensed slaughterer, unless he has in his possession and exhibits to any inspector or peace officer on demand one of the following: (a) The hide of the animal from which the meat was obtained, with the ears and the brands attached to it, without alteration or disfiguration. (b) A certificate of inspection or release of the hide or of the carcass with the hide on it, which was issued pursuant to this article. 21457. A person shall not remove any evidence of inspection from a hide until after it has been partially tanned. 21458. A person shall not sell, give away, deliver, transport, buy, accept, or receive the hide of any animal unless the hide has been inspected or released. 21459. A person shall not obliterate, alter, or remove a brand which is on a hide, or burn or in any manner destroy the hide until it has been inspected or released.