
SECTION 20901-20906

20901.  Notwithstanding any other provision of this division, cattle
may be branded pursuant to this chapter.

20902.  A cattle record brand shall be used only for purposes of
identification. It is not evidence of ownership.

20903.  A cattle record brand shall not be recorded.

20904.  A cattle record brand may be placed upon either loin in
front of the hip and behind the ribs of the animal.

20905.  A cattle record brand for dairy cattle of the Holstein,
Jersey, Guernsey, Ayrshire, Brown Swiss, Dutch Belted, and Milking
Shorthorn breeds may be placed upon the right hip rather than upon
the loin.

20906.  A cattle record brand consists of:
   (a) Consecutive numerals, letters, or a combination of numerals or
letters if placed upon the loin of an animal.
   (b) At least three consecutive numerals that constitute a number
greater than 200 if placed upon the right hip of an animal.