SECTION 19400-19404
19400. Any person that slaughters any horse, mule, burro, sheep, goats, swine or any other bovine for use as pet food, or who by purchase or otherwise acquires possession of the meat of any horse, mule, burro, swine or bovine, and that sells or otherwise disposes of such meat for use as pet food, or operates a rendering plant shall make and keep for one year a correct record, separate from all other business records, of each such transaction, recorded at the time of the transaction, which shows all of the following: (a) The quantity of meat, bones, or carcasses acquired or disposed of. (b) The names and addresses of the parties to the transaction. (c) The date. (d) The place to which such meat was shipped or delivered. (e) The name of the person that made the shipment or delivery. 19401. This article does not apply to any of the following: (a) Retail sales of any fresh or processed meat or meat product in a quantity of five pounds or less to any one person. (b) Any canned or prepackaged meat or meat product in any package of five pounds or less which is conspicuously labeled to show the common or usual names of the ingredients arranged in the order of the predominance contained in the package. 19402. All horsemeat and animal food records shall be open at all times during the hours of operation to the inspection of the director, any health officer or sanitation inspector. 19403. It is unlawful for any person that is required to keep horsemeat and pet food records to fail to keep such records, or to fail or refuse to permit an authorized inspection of the horsemeat and pet food records. 19404. Every dead animal hauler shall keep a record when and where each carcass is picked up and delivered. The record shall be kept for a period of one year, and open to inspection by any agent of the department.