
SECTION 16001-16006

16001.  Unless the context otherwise requires, the definitions in
this chapter govern the construction of this division.

16002.  "Aircraft" means every description of craft or other
contrivance which is used, or capable of being used, as a means of
transportation through the air from origins in other states or
territories or in foreign countries.

16003.  "Food stores" means fruits, vegetables, or animal products
which are carried as stores of vessels and aircraft and includes
fruits, vegetables, or animal products which are carried in
passengers' and crews' quarters.

16004.  "Garbage" means waste material, such as food scraps, table
refuse, galley refuse, and refuse from stores of vessels and
aircraft, including such waste material in passengers' and crews'
quarters, which is derived, in whole or in part, from fruits,
vegetables, or animal products.

16005.  "Territorial waters of California" means all navigable
waters of this state including all portions of the sea within its
jurisdiction which are used by vessels or aircraft.

16006.  "Vessel" means every description of craft or other
contrivance which is used, or capable of being used, as a means of
transportation in or on coastal, intercoastal, or foreign waters.