SECTION 12531-12536
12531. The director may adopt such regulations as are reasonably necessary to carry out this chapter. 12532. (a) The director shall continuously interpret the results of the residue monitoring program in order to assess its general effectiveness at preventing public exposure to illegal pesticide residues. (b) The director shall release to the public, on an annual basis, comprehensive summaries of the results of the pesticide residue monitoring program. The director shall disclose information regarding the disposition of products found to contain illegal pesticide residue levels. (c) The director shall identify in his or her reports the specific county where unprocessed agricultural foods have been discovered to contain illegal pesticide residue levels, the specific commodity, and the county where the commodity was produced. (d) The director shall file copies of all data sheets for over tolerances with the commissioner for the county where the unprocessed agricultural foods have been grown. (e) The director shall include in the reports, in addition to the specific commodity affected, the pesticide identified for each illegal residue found. 12533. Nothing in this chapter repeals or amends any of the provisions of Part 5 (commencing with Section 109875) of Division 104 of the Health and Safety Code. 12534. (a) Pursuant to this chapter, the director shall conduct a pesticide residue monitoring program for produce destined for processing to determine which pesticides are most likely to leave a residue and to what extent it is necessary to monitor the produce. (b) The results of the program shall be made available to the State Director of Health Services to provide accurate information to better focus sampling priorities. 12535. (a) Commencing in 1990, the department shall substantially expand and maintain its focused pesticide residue monitoring program beyond the 1988 level. The focused monitoring program shall be prioritized to consider pesticides of greatest health concern and contribution to dietary exposure, and for various subpopulations which may be uniquely sensitive to pesticide residues, with special emphasis on infants and children. (b) The department shall consider, but not be limited to, the following lists of pesticides in establishing priorities for monitoring: (1) Pesticides identified by the federal Environmental Protection Agency as known, possible, or probable human carcinogens which are registered for use on food crops. (2) Pesticides listed as high priority for risk assessment as a result of the evaluation process of the Birth Defect Prevention Act of 1984. (3) Pesticides listed as known to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity pursuant to Section 25249.9 of the Health and Safety Code. (4) Class I and II pesticides on the United States Food and Drug Administrations's Surveillance Index. 12536. (a) The director, by regulation, shall establish a pest management advisory committee, specifying, as appropriate, the scope and purpose of its advisory role, membership requirements, and operating procedures. The director, or his or her designee, shall serve as chairperson of the committee and the secretary, or his or her designee, shall serve as vice chairperson of the committee. At a minimum, the committee shall assist the department in identifying, facilitating, and promoting environmentally sound pest management practices and pest management systems. (b) Funds in the Department of Pesticide Regulation Fund may be expended, upon appropriation, for pest management grants, and upon the joint decision of the chairperson and vice chairperson, to carry out the recommendations of the pest management advisory committee.