SECTION 11791-11792
11791. It is unlawful for any person subject to this division to do any of the following: (a) Make any false or fraudulent claim, or misrepresent the effects of material or method to be applied, apply any worthless or improper material, or otherwise engage in any unfair practices. (b) Operate in a faulty, careless, or negligent manner. (c) Refuse or neglect to comply with this division, or any regulation issued pursuant to this division, or any lawful order of the commissioner or the director. (d) Refuse or neglect to keep and maintain the records which are required by this division, or to make reports when and as required. 11792. It is also unlawful for any person that is subject to this division to do any of the following: (a) Make any false or fraudulent record or report. (b) Operate in any county without first having registered with the commissioner. (c) Operate equipment with incompetent or unqualified persons in charge of the equipment. (d) Use any fraud or misrepresentation in making application for a license or for renewal of a license. (e) Fail to comply with the provisions of Chapter 3 (commencing with Section 14001), Division 7 of this code.