SECTION 10351-10359
10351. All female dairy calves shall be vaccinated by an official veterinarian or an accredited veterinarian, who is authorized by the department, at such ages as are designated by the department. Male dairy calves and beef calves may, at the option of the owner, be vaccinated. 10352. Each calf which is vaccinated pursuant to this chapter shall have an official tattoo placed in the right ear by the veterinarian who performs the service that shows the period within which the animal was vaccinated, or such other evidence of vaccination or identification as the department may by regulation specify. 10353. The owner of any calf which is to be vaccinated pursuant to this chapter shall, upon request of the department, provide the necessary facilities and assistance for such vaccination. 10354. If the owner or any person that is in charge of any dairy calf, after 10 days' written notice by the department, refuses properly to confine in a corral or stanchions, any calf which is required to be vaccinated and identified pursuant to this chapter, the department may in such case incur such expense as is necessary to properly vaccinate and identify the calf. 10355. Any expense which is incurred by the department pursuant to Section 10354 is a lien upon the calf which is vaccinated and identified. Unless the amount of the lien is paid within 10 days after written notice of the amount of the lien is given by the department to the owner or person that is in possession of the calf, the lien shall be enforced pursuant to Section 3052 of the Civil Code. 10356. The vaccination of any bovine animal pursuant to the provisions of this chapter shall be by either an official veterinarian or an accredited veterinarian, who is authorized by the department. The director may charge a reasonable fee to cover the cost of any vaccination performed by an official veterinarian other than the cost of the vaccine. 10357. It is unlawful for any person to refuse to submit a dairy calf which is required to be vaccinated and identified pursuant to this chapter to such vaccination. 10358. It is unlawful for any person to remove any official mark which is required by this chapter, or to imitate or simulate such official mark. 10359. It is unlawful for any person, except a federal, state, county, or municipal officer or employee, in his official capacity, or an accredited veterinarian, to buy, possess, or use any device which is designed to produce a mark, stamp, or tattoo that simulates in design the official tattoo, tag, or mark that is adopted by the department and the United States Department of Agriculture for identifying cattle which are officially vaccinated against brucellosis.