SECTION 9600-9610
9600. All arguments concerning measures filed pursuant to this division shall be accompanied by the following form statement, to be signed by each proponent and by each author, if different, of the argument: The undersigned proponent(s) or author(s) of the _________________________________(primary/rebuttal) argument______________________(in favor of/against) ballot proposition___________ (name or number) at the______________________ (title of election) election for the_______________ (jurisdiction) to be held on _____________________________________ hereby state (date) that this argument is true and correct to the best of ___________________________________________________ knowledge and belief. (his/her/their) Signed ______________________ ______________________ Date _______ ____ ________________ ______________________ ______________________ _________________________ _______ ______________________ ________________ _________________________ ______________________ _______ 9601. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this code, whenever any ballot arguments for or against any measure submitted to the voters for approval are authorized, these arguments may be withdrawn by their proponents at any time prior to and including the final date fixed for filing arguments. 9602. A voter who has signed an initiative or referendum petition, and who subsequently wishes his or her name withdrawn, may do so by filing a written request for the withdrawal with the appropriate elections official. This request shall be filed in the elections official's office prior to the date the petition is filed. A written request made under this section shall not constitute a petition or paper for purposes of Section 104. 9603. (a) Each city, county, school district, community college district, county board of education, and special district may hold, at its discretion, an advisory election on any date on which that jurisdiction is currently permitted to hold a regular or special election for the purpose of allowing voters within the jurisdiction, or a portion thereof, to voice their opinions on substantive issues, or to indicate to the local legislative body approval or disapproval of the ballot proposal. (b) An advisory vote will be indicated as a ballot heading, above the ballot proposal, and by only the following description: "Advisory Vote Only." (c) As used in this section, "advisory vote" means an indication of general voter opinion regarding the ballot proposal. The results of the advisory vote will in no manner be controlling on the sponsoring legislative body. (d) An advisory election may be held in territory outside of the jurisdiction of the local entity calling the advisory election if the ballot proposal affects the residents of the territory. The sponsoring legislative body shall determine the territory in which the advisory election shall be held. However, the conduct of an advisory election in territory outside of the jurisdiction of the local entity shall only be held if all of the following conditions are met: (1) A regular election or special election is to be held in that territory. (2) The advisory election can be consolidated with it. (3) The board of supervisors of the county in which the outside territory is located approves the consolidation. (e) An advisory election shall not be consolidated with an election if the ballot's capacity will be exceeded because of the addition of the advisory election. 9604. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any person may engage in good faith bargaining between competing interests to secure legislative approval of matters embraced in a statewide or local initiative or referendum measure, and the proponents may, as a result of these negotiations, withdraw the measure at any time before filing the petition with the appropriate elections official. (b) Withdrawal of a statewide initiative or referendum measure shall be effective upon receipt by the Secretary of State of a written notice of withdrawal, signed by all proponents of the measure. (c) Withdrawal of a local initiative or referendum measure shall be effective upon receipt by the appropriate local elections official of a written notice of withdrawal, signed by all proponents of the measure. 9605. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, whenever a legislative body has ordered that a measure or proposal be submitted to the voters of any jurisdiction at a special election, the order of election shall not be amended or withdrawn after the 83rd day prior to the election. The order of election shall be amended or withdrawn upon the filing of a resolution by the legislative body stating the specifics concerning the amendment or withdrawal. The resolution shall be filed with the election official not later than the 83rd day prior to the election. 9606. A county elections official who is required, pursuant to this division, to examine signatures on an initiative, referendum, recall, nomination, or other election petition, may employ temporary assistants, as required, to complete the necessary procedure. The costs for the temporary assistants shall be paid by the jurisdiction in which the election on the proposition is intended to be held. 9607. The proponents of an initiative measure shall ensure that any person, company, or other organization that is paid, or who volunteers, to solicit signatures to qualify the proposed measure for the ballot shall receive instruction on the requirements and prohibitions imposed by state law with respect to circulation of the petition and signature gathering thereon, with an emphasis on the prohibition on the use of signatures on an initiative petition for a purpose other than qualification of the proposed measure for the ballot. 9608. (a) A proponent of an initiative measure shall execute and submit, along with the request for a title and summary for the proposed measure, a signed statement that reads as follows: I,___, acknowledge that it is a misdemeanor under state law (Section 18650 of the Elections Code) to knowingly or willfully allow the signatures on an initiative petition to be used for any purpose other than qualification of the proposed measure for the ballot. I certify that I will not knowingly or willfully allow the signatures for this initiative to be used for any purpose other than qualification of the measure for the ballot. _________________________________________________ (Signature of Proponent) Dated this ____ day of _________, 20___ (b) The certification required by subdivision (a) shall be kept on file by the agency authorized to prepare the title and summary for the proposed initiative measure for not less than eight months after the certification of the results of the election for which the measure qualified, or if the measure, for any reason, is not submitted to the voters, eight months after the deadline for submission of the petition to the elections official. (c) Failure to comply with this section shall not invalidate any signatures on a state or local initiative petition. 9609. (a) Prior to allowing a person to circulate an initiative petition for signatures, the person, company official, or other organizational officer who is in charge of signature gathering shall execute and submit to the proponents a signed statement that reads as follows: I,___, acknowledge that it is a misdemeanor under state law (Section 18650 of the Elections Code) to knowingly or willfully allow the signatures on an initiative petition to be used for any purpose other than qualification of the proposed measure for the ballot. I certify that I will not knowingly or willfully allow the signatures for this initiative to be used for any purpose other than qualification of the measure for the ballot. _________________________________________________ (Signature of Official) Dated this ____ day of _________, 20___ (b) The certification required by subdivision (a) shall be kept on file by the proponents of the proposed initiative measure for not less than eight months after the certification of the results of the election for which the measure qualified, or if the measure, for any reason, is not submitted to the voters, eight months after the deadline for submission of the petition to the elections official. (c) Failure to comply with this section shall not invalidate any signatures on a state or local initiative petition. 9610. (a) Prior to soliciting signatures on an initiative petition, a circulator shall execute and submit to the person, company official, or other organizational officer who is in charge of signature gathering a signed statement that reads as follows: I,___, acknowledge that it is a misdemeanor under state law (Section 18650 of the Elections Code) to knowingly or willfully allow the signatures on an initiative petition to be used for any purpose other than qualification of the proposed measure for the ballot. I certify that I will not knowingly or willfully allow the signatures for this initiative to be used for any purpose other than qualification of the measure for the ballot. _________________________________________________ (Signature of Circulator) Dated this ____ day of _________, 20___ (b) The certification required by subdivision (a) shall be kept on file by the person, company official, or other organizational officer who is in charge of signature gathering for the proposed initiative measure for not less than eight months after the certification of the results of the election for which the measure qualified, or if the measure, for any reason, is not submitted to the voters, eight months after the deadline for submission of the petition to the elections official. (c) This section shall not apply to unpaid circulators of state or local initiative petitions. (d) Failure to comply with this section shall not invalidate any signatures on a state or local initiative petition.