SECTION 6840-6849
6840. The number of delegates to be certified as elected from each group of delegate candidates shall be the whole number nearest the product obtained by multiplying the total number of delegates to be elected by the ratio which that group's vote bears to the total of votes cast for all those groups of delegates, with the following to apply in order to adjust the total number of delegates certified to the total number to which the state is entitled: (a) If this procedure would result in a total number of delegates being elected greater than the number to which the state is entitled, the calculation outlined above shall be repeated using a total vote cast for all groups of delegates that is sufficiently larger than the actual total vote so as to give a total number of delegates elected equal to the number to which the state is entitled. (b) If this procedure would result in a total number of delegates being elected smaller than the number to which the state is entitled, the calculation outlined above shall be repeated using a total vote cast for all groups of delegates that is sufficiently smaller than the actual total vote so as to give a total number of delegates elected equal to the number to which the state is entitled. (c) If a tie renders unworkable the procedure for adjusting to the proper delegate total outlined in subdivisions (a) and (b), those delegate candidates so tied shall be certified as elected with a fractional vote proportional to their group's total vote so that the total number of delegates certified, including the fractional-vote delegates, equals the number to which the state is entitled. 6841. The Secretary of State shall send, not more than three business days after the presidential primary, to the chairperson of each committee qualifying a group of candidates for national convention delegates for the Peace and Freedom Party presidential primary ballot a copy of the semiofficial canvass of the vote for each of the group of delegates showing the vote for each group in each county, the total statewide vote for each group, and the tentative number of delegates which each group will be entitled to have declared elected. 6842. Each group of candidates for delegate shall meet or confer after the presidential primary and by majority vote shall determine the order in which members of the group shall be certified as elected by the Secretary of State. The order so determined shall commence with a resident of either the northern or the southern territories, and the names thereafter shall alternate between residents of the northern and southern territories until the alternation is no longer possible. The order so determined shall be certified to the Secretary of State by the chairperson of the committee forming the group not later than the 28th day after the election. 6843. The Secretary of State shall, not later than the 32nd day after the election, file in her or his office a statement of the canvassed returns for the Peace and Freedom Party presidential preferential primary and the national convention delegate selection election, compiled from the returns filed with the Secretary of State by the county elections officials. The compiled statement shall show, for each candidate or group, the total of the votes received, the votes received in each county, and, in the case of a group, the names of the candidates comprising that group. 6844. The Secretary of State shall, not later than the 32nd day after the election, issue a certificate of election to as many persons in each group as are entitled to be declared elected from that group pursuant to Section 6840. The names certified from each group shall be certified in the order in which they were specified by the group pursuant to Section 6842. If no order was specified, the Secretary of State shall certify as many persons from the group as are entitled to be elected from the order in which the names of the candidates appeared on the nomination paper of the group, with the additional requirement that an equal number of names be selected of persons residing in the northern and the southern territories, or, if the number to be selected is odd, that one more person residing in the territory with the greater portion of the state's registered Peace and Freedom Party voters shall be certified than the number of persons certified residing in the other territory. Certification of any delegates to which a write-in candidate is entitled shall be made within three business days of the receipt of the names of those delegates pursuant to Sections 6846 and 6847. 6845. Any person who receives, by write-in vote, a sufficient number of votes in the national convention delegate selection portion of the Peace and Freedom Party presidential primary to be entitled to one or more convention delegates pursuant to Section 6840, shall, within 37 days after the primary election, file a list of as many delegates as the person is entitled to with the Secretary of State. The delegates selected shall meet the residence distribution requirement specified in Section 6763 and shall be voters registered as affiliated with the Peace and Freedom Party in California. 6846. If a write-in candidate fails to file the list of delegates pursuant to Section 6845, the state central committee of the party shall, within 10 days of the end of the 31-day period specified in Section 6845, file a list of those delegates with the Secretary of State. Any delegates so certified by the state central committee shall attend the convention unpledged to any candidate. 6847. The elected delegates may, if they desire, meet or confer prior to attending the convention to select a chairperson of the delegation and to fill any vacancies in the office of delegate or alternate. 6848. The alternate of any delegate who is unable to attend the convention shall attend the convention in the place of the delegate and shall otherwise discharge the duties of that delegate. An alternate shall not vote in the place of the delegate whom the alternate represents when the delegate is occupying her or his seat at the convention. 6849. The Secretary of State shall, as soon as practicable, certify to the chairperson of the state central committee and to the chairperson of each party county central committee of record, the final list of national convention delegates.