SECTION 15450-15452
15450. A plurality of the votes given at any election shall constitute a choice where not otherwise directed in the California Constitution, provided that it shall be competent in all charters of cities, counties, or cities and counties framed under the authority of the California Constitution to provide the manner in which their respective elective officers may be elected and to prescribe a higher proportion of the vote therefor. 15451. The nominees for a voter-nominated office shall be determined in accordance with Section 8141.5 and subdivision (b) of Section 8142. 15452. The person who receives a plurality of the votes cast for any office is elected or nominated to that office in any election, except: (a) An election for which different provision is made by any city or county charter. (b) A municipal election for which different provision is made by the laws under which the city is organized. (c) The election of local officials in primary elections as specified in Article 8 (commencing with Section 8140) of Part 1 of Division 8. (d) The nomination of candidates for voter-nominated office at the primary election to participate in the general election for that office as specified in Article 8 (commencing with Section 8140) of Part 1 of Division 8.