SECTION 13282-13289
13282. Whenever the Attorney General prepares a ballot label, the Attorney General shall file a copy of the ballot label with the Secretary of State. The Secretary of State shall make a copy of the ballot label available for public examination prior to the printing of the ballot label on any ballot. The public shall be permitted to examine the ballot label for at least 20 days, and the Secretary of State may consolidate the examination requirement under this section with the public examination requirements set forth in Section 9092. A voter may seek a writ of mandate requiring a ballot label, or portion thereof, to be amended or deleted. The provisions set forth in Section 9092 concerning the issuance of the writ and the nature of the proceedings shall be applicable to this section. 13283. The ballot label shall be printed by the elections official in black ink on clear material of a size that will fit the machine, of a color that may be determined by the elections official, and in as plain, clear type as the space will reasonably permit. 13284. The list of offices and candidates and the statements of measures used on the voting machines is an official ballot. 13285. The county elections official shall furnish sufficient ballot labels for the voting machines used at any election. 13286. The officers or board charged with the duty of providing ballots for any polling place shall provide the polling place with two sample ballots, which shall be arranged in the form of a diagram showing that part of the face of the voting machine that will be in use at that election. 13287. The sample ballots shall be either in full or reduced size, and shall contain suitable illustrated directions for voting on the voting machine. 13288. The ballot labels shall be delivered to the officer in charge of the voting machines at least 30 days before the election. 13289. At the presidential primary, if the voting machine will accommodate it, the county central committee election ballot shall be placed upon the voting machine together with the presidential primary ballot.