SECTION 13260-13267
13260. In approving ballots and ballot cards, the Secretary of State shall not give his or her approval unless the following are true: (a) The size, shape, and texture of the ballot card are suitable for use in the automatic device in which it is intended to be placed. (b) The ballot cards are so designed that they can readily be arranged with a section or ballot stub containing the serial number of the ballot and a section with places for the voter to slot or punch holes indicating his or her choices of candidates and votes on measures. (c) If the ballot is to consist of two or more series of cards, appropriate provision may be made for identifying the related series which comprise the ballot. 13261. (a) Each ballot card shall have two stubs attached. The stubs shall be separated from the ballot card and from each other by perforated lines so that they may be readily detached. (b) (1) One stub shall have the serial ballot number printed on it, and shall be detached from the remainder of the ballot before it is handed to the voter. (2) The second stub shall have printed on it all of the following: (A) The same ballot serial number. (B) The words "This ballot stub shall be removed and retained by the voter." (C) The words "OFFICIAL BALLOT" in uppercase boldface type no smaller than 12 point. (D) In primary elections, the party name, e.g., "Democratic Party," or the words "Nonpartisan Ballot," as applicable. (E) The name of the county. (F) The date of the election. (G) Where not otherwise provided, instructions to the voter on how to mark the ballot with the marking device, how to vote for a candidate whose name is not printed on the ballot, and how to secure an additional ballot card if the ballot card is spoiled or marked erroneously. (3) If the information listed in subparagraphs (A) to (G), inclusive, of paragraph (2) must also appear in one or more languages other than English under the provisions of the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965 as extended by Public Law 94-73, and there is insufficient room for all the information to be set forth in all the required languages while at the same time appearing in a type size sufficiently large to be readable, the official in charge of the election may delete information set forth in subparagraphs (E) and (F) of paragraph (2), in the order listed, until there is sufficient room. (c) In addition to the instructions to voters printed on the ballot or ballot stub, there shall be displayed in each voting booth instructions to voters substantially in the same form and wording as appears on paper ballots. Precinct numbers may also be placed on the ballot. 13262. (a) The ballot shall contain the same material as to candidates and measures, and shall be printed in the same order as provided for paper ballots, and may be arranged in parallel columns on one or more ballot cards as required, except that the column in which the voter marks his or her choices may be at the left of the names of candidates and the designation of measures. (b) If there are a greater number of candidates for an office or for a party nomination for an office than the number whose names can be placed on one pair of facing ballot pages, a series of overlaying pages printed only on the same, single side shall be used, and the ballot shall be clearly marked to indicate that the list of candidates for the office is continued on the following page or pages. If the names of candidates for the office are not required to be rotated, they shall be rotated by groups of candidates in a manner so that the name of each candidate shall appear on each page of the ballot in approximately the same number of precincts as the names of all other candidates. (c) Space shall be provided on the ballot or on a separate write-in ballot to permit voters to write in names not printed on the ballot when authorized by law. The size of the voting square and the spacing of the material may be varied to suit the conditions imposed by the use of ballot cards, provided the size of the type is not reduced below the minimum size requirements set forth in Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 13100). (d) The statement of measure submitted to the voters may be abbreviated if necessary on the ballot, provided that each and every statement of measures on that ballot is abbreviated. Abbreviation of matters to be voted on throughout the state shall be composed by the Attorney General. 13263. The sample ballot provided pursuant to Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 13300) shall be printed in either of two formats: (a) booklet form, or (b) on one or more sheets on one or both sides. The sample ballot shall be printed on white or tinted paper and shall be a substantial facsimile of the ballot, including instructions to voters. 13264. If more than one ballot card is used at an election, different tints of cardboard stock or other suitable means may be used for each series of ballot cards to facilitate the sorting of ballots. 13265. If the number of offices and measures to be voted upon at an election cannot be accommodated on one ballot card, the elections official may, at his or her discretion, place part of the ballot upon more than one ballot card. He or she may also place part of the ballot upon the ballot card or ballot cards and the remainder upon paper, provided that a single ballot measure or the candidates for a single office may not be so split. 13266. If punchcard ballots are used for vote by mail voting, the ballots shall be marked by pencil, or by a marking device that enables the voter to register his or her vote by punching or slotting the ballot card. Counting of punchcard ballots marked by pencil may be as with paper ballots, or a true duplicate copy of each ballot may be prepared using the same procedure as provided by Section 15271. Vote by mail voter ballots so prepared shall be counted by the counting device. 13267. If an official ballot consisting of one or more individual ballot cards upon which the names of candidates and measures are printed is used for vote by mail voting, the two stubs specified in Section 13261 may be eliminated from the ballot cards by printing a group style number on each card and by printing the information required by subparagraphs (C), (D), (E), (F), and (G) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of Section 13261 on a separate form accompanying the official ballot. If the two stubs are not eliminated, the language required by subparagraph (B) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of Section 13261 to be printed on the second stub may be omitted.