88520. The following definitions govern the construction of this part: (a) "Business Resource Assistance and Innovation Network" means the network of projects and programs that comprise the California Community Colleges Economic and Workforce Development Program. (b) "California Community Colleges Economic and Workforce Development Program," "economic and workforce development program," and "ED>Net Program" mean the program. (c) "Center" means a comprehensive program of services offered by one or more community colleges to an economic region of the state in accordance with criteria established by the board of governors for designation as an economic and workforce development program center. Center services shall be designed to respond to the statewide strategic priorities pursuant to the mission of the community colleges' economic and workforce development program, and to be consistent with programmatic priorities, targeted industries, identified economic development, vocational education, business development, and continuous workforce training needs of a region as identified by regional business resource, assistance, and innovation network infrastructure plans. Centers shall provide a foundation for the long-term sustained relationship with businesses, labor, and colleges in the region. They shall support, develop, and deliver direct services to businesses, colleges, labor organizations, employees, and employers. Direct services shall include curriculum development, faculty training, assessment, one-on-one counseling, seminars, workshops, conferences, training, technology transfer, and educational services. Centers shall provide developmental and delivery support and technical assistance to colleges within their regions as needed to meet the business and workforce education and training needs in their districts. (d) "Industry cluster" means a geographic concentration or emerging concentration of interdependent industries with direct service, supplier, and research relationships, or independent industries that share common resources and sell a significant portion of their goods or services outside of the region. (e) "Industry-driven regional collaborative" means a regional public, private, or other community organizational structure that jointly defines priorities, delivers services across programs, sectors, and in response to, or driven by, industry needs. The industry-driven regional collaborative projects meet the needs and fill gaps in services that respond to regional business, employee, and labor needs. These service-delivery structures offer flexibility to local communities and partners to meet the identified needs in an economic development region. Industry-driven regional collaboratives are broadly defined to allow maximum local autonomy in developing projects responding to the needs of business, industry, and labor. Industry-driven regional collaborative services respond to the statewide strategic priority pursuant to the mission of the community colleges economic and workforce development program, and are consistent with the programmatic priorities, targeted industries, identified economic development, vocational education, and continuous workforce training needs of a region as identified by regional business resource, assistance, and innovation network infrastructure plans. (f) "Initiative" is an identified strategic priority area that is organized statewide, but is a regionally based effort to develop and implement innovative solutions designed to facilitate the development, implementation, and coordination of community college economic development and related programs and services. Each initiative shall be workforce and business development driven by a statewide committee made up of community college faculty and administrators and practitioners and managers from business, labor, and industry. Centers, industry-driven regional collaboratives, and other economic and workforce development programs performing services as a part of the implementation of an initiative shall coordinate services statewide and within regions of the state as appropriate. (g) "Job development incentive training" means programs that provide incentives to employers to create entry-level positions in their businesses, or through their suppliers or prime customers, for welfare recipients and the working poor. (h) "Living wage" means family or personal incomes at or above 250 percent of the poverty level, based on United States Census Bureau data for the region. This definition may be amended upon review of current data and recommendation of the California Community Colleges Economic and Workforce Development Program Advisory Committee and approval of the board of governors. (i) "Matching resources" means any combination of public or private resources, either cash or in-kind, derived from sources other than the economic and workforce development program funds appropriated by the annual Budget Act, that are determined to be necessary for the success of the project to which they are applied. The criteria for in-kind resources shall be developed by the board of governors, with advice from the chancellor and the California Community Colleges Economic and Workforce Development Program Advisory Committee, and shall be consistent with generally accepted accounting practices for state and federal matching requirements. The ratio of matching resources to economic and workforce development program funding shall be determined by the board of governors. (j) "Performance improvement training" means training delivered by a community college that includes all of the following: (1) An initial needs assessment process that identifies both training and nontraining issues that need to be addressed to improve individual and organizational performance. (2) Consultation with employers to develop action plans that address business or nonprofit performance improvements. (3) Training programs that link individual performance requirements with quantifiable business measures, resulting in demonstrable productivity gains, and, as appropriate, job retention, job creation, or improvement in wages or living wages. (k) "Region" means a geographic area of the state defined by economic and labor market factors containing at least one industry cluster and the cities, counties, or community college districts, or all of them, in the industry cluster's geographic area. For the purposes of this chapter, "California Community College economic development regions" shall be designated by the board of governors based on factors, including, but not necessarily limited to, all of the following: (1) Regional economic development and training needs of business and industry. (2) Regional collaboration, as appropriate, among community colleges and districts, and existing economic development, continuous workforce improvement, technology deployment, and business development. (3) Other state economic development definitions of regions.