
SECTION 8820-8830

8820.  (a) There is hereby established the Arts Work Visual and
Performing Arts Education Program, to be administered by the State
Department of Education, for the purposes of awarding grants to local
educational agencies to develop their capacity to implement
high-quality instructional programs that are based on the state
adopted visual and performing arts content standards for pupils in
kindergarten and grades 1 to 12, inclusive. A grant recipient shall
use funds awarded pursuant to this chapter to establish a standards
based visual and performing arts program and is encouraged to secure
funds for continuing the program.
   (b) School districts and county offices of education in
collaboration with one or more school districts are eligible to
participate in the program.

8825.  An eligible applicant may submit a project proposal that
addresses one or more of the following areas:
   (a) Arts education programs that are aligned to the state adopted
visual and performing arts content standards and framework.
   (b) Pupil assessment in the arts.
   (c) Participation in local and state networks to create
comprehensive standards based arts education programs.
   (d) Expanding the capacity to assist pupils in achieving the state
adopted visual and performing arts content standards.
   (e) Developing an online statewide digital visual and performing
arts resource center.
   (f) Expanding arts education programs developed through
participation in the Local Arts Education Partnership Program as set
forth in Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 8810).

8830.  The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall select a panel
of experts that shall evaluate the project proposals and select
grant recipients. Evaluation of proposals and selection of grant
recipients shall be based on the following criteria:
   (a) The arts education policy adopted by the applicant.
   (b) An assessment by the applicant of its existing arts education
program. The assessment shall consider the degree to which the
program implements the state adopted visual and performing arts
content standards and framework and shall use any other criteria
developed by the State Department of Education.
   (c) The commitment and ability of the applicant to implement a
comprehensive, sequential arts education program.
   (d) The degree to which the proposed program is based on the state
adopted visual and performing arts content standards.
   (e) The commitment of participating schools, including, but not
limited to, the use of professional staff development.
   (f) The extent to which program outcomes and activities are
aligned with the assessment of the current program and stated needs.
   (g) Evidence that the arts instructional program occurs primarily
during the regular schoolday.
   (h)  The inclusion of pupil assessment and program evaluation
components that are clearly linked to the project goals and
   (i) The description of plans to obtain future funding and support
to continue, sustain, and expand the work begun under the project.