SECTION 81490-81492
81490. The governing body of any community college district owning shares of stock in a mutual water company, which stock is not appurtenant to any land, may rent, lease, or assign such shares, for a term not to exceed one year, if the board determines the water to which the district is entitled by ownership of such shares is not required to meet the needs of the district during the term for which it is rented, leased or assigned. 81491. The rental, lease, or assignment of the shares of stock shall be made upon such consideration, and such terms and conditions, as may be fixed by action of the board. 81492. No rental, lease, or assignment of shares of stock shall be made until notice has been given by posting in at least three public places in the district for not less than two weeks, or by publication for a period of not less than two weeks in a newspaper published in the district and having a general circulation there; or if there is no such newspaper, then in a newspaper having a general circulation in the district; or if there is no such newspaper, then in a newspaper having a general circulation in a county in which the district or any part thereof is situated.