SECTION 59040-59045
59040. The Department of Education, in connection with the California School for the Deaf, may establish and maintain a preschool and kindergarten service for the care and teaching of children under school age. The department shall prescribe the rules and regulations which shall govern the conduct of the preschool and kindergarten service, appoint such teachers as it determines necessary, and fix their salaries. 59041. The Department of Education, in connection with the California School for the Deaf, may offer courses of instruction to parents of a deaf child to assist and instruct the parents in the early care and training of such child, to train the child in play, and to do everything which will assure the child's physical, mental and social adjustment to its environment. 59042. The Superintendent of Public Instruction may authorize the California School for the Deaf to establish and maintain a testing center for the deaf and hard-of-hearing minors. It shall be the purpose of this center to test hearing acuity and to give such other tests as may be necessary for advising parents and school authorities concerning an appropriate educational program for the child. 59043. Nothing in this article and no rule or regulation established thereunder shall authorize the compulsory physical examination or medical treatment of any child or minor if the parent or guardian objects on the ground that such examination or treatment is contrary to the religious beliefs of such parent or guardian. 59044. The Department of Education, in connection with the California School for the Deaf which maintains automobile driver training courses, may purchase from available funds public liability, property damage, collision, fire, theft, and comprehensive automobile insurance for motor vehicles, whether owned by private parties or such school for the deaf, used in connection with such courses. 59045. The Superintendent of Public Instruction, in conjunction with the California Schools for the Deaf, shall provide assessment and instructional planning services for individuals who are referred for those services pursuant to Section 56326.