
SECTION 56475-56476

56475.  (a) The Superintendent and the directors of the State
Department of Health Care Services, the State Department of Mental
Health, the State Department of Developmental Services, the State
Department of Social Services, the Department of Rehabilitation, the
Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, Division of Juvenile
Facilities, and the Employment Development Department shall develop
written interagency agreements or adopt joint regulations that
include responsibilities, in accordance with Section 1412(a)(12) of
Title 20 of the United States Code and Section 300.154 of Title 34 of
the Code of Federal Regulations, for the provision of special
education and related services to individuals with exceptional needs
in the State of California.
   (b) The Superintendent shall develop interagency agreements with
other state and local public agencies, as deemed necessary by the
Superintendent, to carry out the provisions of state and federal law.
   (c) (1) Each interagency agreement shall be submitted by the
Superintendent to each legislative fiscal committee, education
committee, and policy committee, responsible for legislation relating
to those individuals with exceptional needs that will be affected by
the agreement if it is effective.
   (2) An interagency agreement shall not be effective sooner than 30
days after it has been submitted to each of the legislative
committees specified in paragraph (1).

56476.  The Governor or designee of the Governor, in accordance with
Section 1412(a)(12) of Title 20 of the United States Code and
Section 300.154 of Title 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations, shall
ensure that each agency under the Governor's jurisdiction enters
into an interagency agreement with the Superintendent to ensure that
all services that are needed to ensure a free appropriate public
education are provided.