SECTION 52610-52617
52610. "Adult," for purposes of this section, means a person 18 years of age or older or a person who is not concurrently enrolled in a regular high school program. However, persons 18 years of age or older who are concurrently enrolled in a regular high school program are not adults for purposes of this section. Adults enrolled in any classes maintained by high school or unified school districts or county superintendents of schools pursuant to Sections 52300 through 52330, 8530, 8531, 8532, and 8533 shall be reported separately, and the adult foundation program shall be used in computing district apportionments. 52610.5. Notwithstanding Section 52610, any minor, regardless of age, who is pregnant or is a parent actively engaged in raising one or more of his or her children, is eligible to enroll in any adult education course or class described in subdivision (a) of Section 41976 or in Section 52616.2. The attendance of that pupil in that course or class shall be counted for adult education apportionment purposes, except that no district shall be entitled to claim average daily attendance for apportionment purposes in excess of the amount authorized by subdivision (b) of Section 52616. In addition, no district may count the attendance of any pupil toward the computation of both adult average daily attendance, as computed pursuant to Section 41601, and regular average daily attendance, as computed pursuant to Section 46300. 52612. Except as specified in this section, an adult enrolled in a class for adults may be required by the governing board of the district maintaining the class to pay a fee for the class. Except as specified in Section 52613, no charge of any kind shall be made for a class in English and citizenship for foreigners or a class in an elementary subject. No fee charge shall be made for a class designated by the governing board as a class for which high school credit is granted when the class is taken by a person who does not hold a high school diploma. The total of the fees required and revenues derived from average daily attendance shall not exceed the estimated cost of all such classes maintained, including the reserves authorized by Section 52501.5. All textbooks and classroom materials furnished without charge under this section may also be offered for sale at the school bookstore. 52613. (a) Notwithstanding any section to the contrary, each governing board of a school district maintaining classes for adults that issues a Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant (F-1) Student Status - For Academic and Language Students, Form I-20AB, or completes Form I-20AB for a nonimmigrant alien, as defined in subparagraph (F)(i) of paragraph (15) of subsection (a) of Section 1101 of Title 8 of the United States Code, for the purposes of enrolling the nonimmigrant alien in a class in English and citizenship for foreigners or a class in an elementary subject, shall charge the nonimmigrant alien a fee to cover the full costs of instruction, but in no case shall the fee exceed the actual cost of the instruction. The fee shall be adopted at a regular meeting of the governing board of each of these school districts maintaining classes for adults at least 90 days prior to the commencement of the classes for which the fee is charged. (b) No district maintaining classes for adults shall include the attendance of F-1 visa students enrolled in a class in English and citizenship for foreigners or in a class in elementary subjects for apportionment purposes. 52614. The governing board of the district shall designate an employee or employees of the district to have custody of the incidental expense account, or accounts, who shall be responsible for the payment into the account, or accounts, of all moneys required to be paid into the account or accounts, and for all expenditures therefrom, subject to such regulations as the governing board prescribes. 52615. The regulations of the governing board may provide for the sale of materials purchased from the incidental expense account to pupils in classes for adults, for use in connection with such classes. The proceeds of all such sales shall be deposited in that account and shall be available for the purposes of that account. 52616. (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, commencing July 1, 1993, the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall determine an adult block entitlement, to be paid from appropriations to Section A of the State School Fund as part of the principal apportionment to school districts, for those school districts that maintain education programs for adults by multiplying the adult education revenue limit per unit of average daily attendance determined pursuant to Section 52616.16 and the adult education average daily attendance determined pursuant to Section 52616.17. (b) The adult block entitlement shall be deposited in a separate fund of the school district to be known as the "adult education fund." Money in an adult education fund shall be expended only for adult education purposes. Moneys received for programs other than adult education shall not be expended for adult education. 52616.2. For purposes of calculating the adult block entitlement under Section 52616 for any school district that maintains education programs for adults, as described under subdivision (a) of Section 41976, the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall include the average daily attendance for any parenting programs offered by the district for parents of high-risk pupils, as defined in Section 54721, between the ages of 5 and 18 years, inclusive, which programs shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, instruction in the value of the following pupil objectives: (a) Completion of the educational process leading to the granting of a diploma of graduation from high school. (b) Study and learning in conjunction with other pupils. (c) Fulfillment of school homework requirements. (d) School attendance and participation as preparation for employment and other activities. 52616.4. (a) Money in the Adult Education Fund of a school district may be expended only for the following charges: (1) Direct instructional costs relating directly to the adult education program, including, but not limited to, the salaries and benefits of adult education teachers and aides, textbooks, instructional supplies, travel and conference expenses for employees who work in the adult education program, and repair, maintenance, acquisition, and replacement of instructional equipment used in the adult education program. (2) Direct support costs for the adult education program. For the purposes of this section, "direct support costs" means: (A) Instructional administration and instructional media costs that are supported by auditable documentation. For purposes of this paragraph, instructional administration costs include the documented costs of individuals who, regardless of specific job title, administer the district's adult education program. (B) School administration and pupil services costs that are supported by auditable documentation and that represent the activities of individuals whose employment by the school district is exclusively in support of the adult education program, or school administration and pupil services costs that are supported by auditable documentation and that meet all of the following conditions: (i) Those costs are able to be identified in a separate contract with the adult education program. (ii) The administration and services are provided exclusively to adult students and only for the period identified in the contract made pursuant to clause (i). (iii) The services are provided during a time that is different than when services to pupils in kindergarten and grades 1 to 12, inclusive, are provided, and the administration is provided after 4:00 p.m. (iv) The persons who provide the services and administration to adult students report to the adult education director during the period of the contract made pursuant to clause (i). (v) The person providing the administration immediately supervises the adult school personnel. (C) Plant maintenance and operations costs, including costs for facilities that are used to provide child care services to the children of the students attending the adult education program at a particular site as follows: (i) For facilities that exclusively house adult education programs, the costs that are supported by auditable documentation. For purposes of this subparagraph, a facility that houses an adult education program and a regional occupational center or program or a child care program, or both, is a facility that exclusively houses an adult education program. (ii) For facilities that are used by more than one program, including the adult education program, a district may charge the Adult Education Fund for an amount attributable to the adult education program, but this charge shall not exceed the amount derived from the following calculation: (I) Calculate, according to the general description in the California School Accounting Manual, the prorated number of classroom units that the adult education program uses for instructional and child care purposes. (II) Calculate the total number of classroom units in the district. (III) Divide the amount calculated in (I) by the amount calculated in (II). (IV) Multiply the quotient calculated in (III) by the district's total plant maintenance and operations costs. (D) Facilities costs for nondistrict-owned facilities that exclusively house adult education programs, including, but not limited to, costs of facilities that are used to provide child care services to the children of the students attending the adult education program at the same site. For purposes of this paragraph, a facility that houses an adult education program and a regional occupational center or program or a child care program, or both, is a facility that exclusively houses an adult education program. (E) Facilities costs for the acquisition of facilities originally acquired by adult education programs, or for the restoration of those facilities, including costs for debt service for the acquisition or restoration of a facility, including the costs of facilities that are used to provide child care services to the children of the students attending the adult education program at the same site. For the purposes of this paragraph, "auditable documentation" means time reports and other contemporaneous records that establish the time that individual employees spend working for the adult education program, and the documentation that supports nonpersonnel costs substantiating that the adult education program received the service, supply, or equipment. That documentation shall comply with the documentation requirements set forth in the California School Accounting Manual published pursuant to Section 41010. (3) Indirect costs of the adult education program. For the purposes of this paragraph, "indirect costs" means the lesser of the school district's prior year indirect cost rate as approved by the State Department of Education or the statewide average indirect cost rate for high school and unified school districts for the second prior fiscal year. (4) As an alternative to charging the costs in both paragraphs (2) and (3) to the adult education program, a school district may transfer not more than 8 percent of the annual revenue deposited in the district's Adult Education Fund to the district's general fund for expenditures the district incurs in operating its adult education program. (b) If the State Department of Education and the Department of Finance concur that a school district has violated this section, the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall direct that school district to transfer double the amount improperly transferred to the district's general fund from that fund to the district's Adult Education Fund for the subsequent fiscal year, which amount shall be used for the improvement of the district's adult education program. If the school district fails to make that transfer as directed, the superintendent shall reduce the school district's regular apportionment determined pursuant to Section 42238 and increase the district's adult block entitlement determined pursuant to Section 52616 by that amount, which amount shall be used for improvement of the district's adult education program. (c) It is the intent of the Legislature in enacting this section that responsible school district officials be held fully accountable for the accounting and reporting of adult education programs and that minor and inadvertent instances of noncompliance be resolved in a fair and equitable manner to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Public Instruction and the Department of Finance. (d) The Superintendent of Public Instruction, with the approval of the Department of Finance, may waive up to the full transfer amount in subdivision (b) if he or she determines that the noncompliance involved is minor or inadvertent, or both. 52616.5. (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 52616.4, the Merced Union High School District may use money in its Adult Education Fund to purchase up to 20 existing district-owned classrooms for the exclusive use of its adult education program. (b) The Adult Education Fund money used by the Merced Union High School District to purchase existing district-owned classrooms for the exclusive use of its adult education program shall be placed in a separate account after the purchase is completed. (c) The money in the separate account established pursuant to subdivision (b) shall be used by the Merced Union High School District solely for the purpose of purchasing classrooms for use by students in grades 9 to 12, inclusive. The school district shall purchase, with the funds in the separate account, an equal number of classrooms for use by students in grades 9 to 12, inclusive, as the number of classrooms purchased for the adult education program pursuant to subdivision (a). (1) If the funds in the separate account are insufficient to purchase an equal number of classrooms for use by students in grades 9 to 12, inclusive, then the school district may use district general fund money to complete the purchase of the classrooms. (2) If there are funds remaining in the separate account after the purchase of an equal number of classrooms for use by students in grades 9 to 12, inclusive, those funds shall be transferred back to the Adult Education Fund. (d) The classrooms purchased pursuant to this section shall meet the structural standards imposed by law for earthquake safety pursuant to Article 3 (commencing with Section 39140) and Article 6 (commencing with Section 39210) of Chapter 2 of Part 23. (e) Any classrooms purchased pursuant to subdivision (a) shall not be included in the area of adequate school construction existing in the school district pursuant to Section 17742.7. (f) This section shall not expand the Merced Union High School District's eligibility for funding pursuant to the Public Education Facilities Bond Act of 1996 (Part 66 (commencing with Section 100000)). 52616.6. A school district or county superintendent of schools may expend funds allocated to it for the purposes of classes for adults in correctional facilities only for the direct instructional charges of those classes and for related direct and indirect support costs. 52616.16. (a) For the 1993-94 fiscal year, each school district's adult education revenue limit per unit of average daily attendance shall be determined as follows: (1) (A) Add the total apportionment the school district received for the 1991-92 fiscal year for its adult education program and the portion of its state apportionment that represents the funding for those secondary school pupils concurrently enrolled in adult education. (B) Add the school district's average daily attendance funded for the annual apportionment for the 1991-92 fiscal year for adult education and the portion of the district's funded regular average daily attendance for secondary school pupils concurrently enrolled in adult education. (C) Divide subparagraph (A) by subparagraph (B) to determine the school district's adult education revenue limit per unit of average daily attendance. (2) (A) For a school district offering adult education courses and classes pursuant to Section 41976.2, multiply the funded average daily attendance for the second principal apportionment made in the 1991-92 fiscal year for independent study pupils 21 years of age or older and pupils 19 years of age or older who have not been continuously enrolled in kindergarten or any of grades 1 to 12, inclusive, since their 18th birthday, as calculated pursuant to Section 46300.1, as that section read on January 1, 1992, by the statewide average funded adult education revenue limit for the 1992-93 fiscal year. This amount shall be added to the amount calculated pursuant to subparagraph (A) of paragraph (1) of this subdivision. (B) Determine the funded average daily attendance made in the second principal apportionment for the 1991-92 fiscal year for independent study pupils 21 years of age or older and pupils 19 years of age or older who have not been continuously enrolled in kindergarten or any of grades 1 to 12, inclusive, since their 18th birthday, as calculated pursuant to Section 46300.1, as that section read on January 1, 1992. This amount shall be added to the amount calculated pursuant to subparagraph (B) of paragraph (1) of this subdivision. (3) If the amount determined in paragraph (1) is between one thousand seven hundred seventy-five dollars ($1,775) and two thousand fifty dollars ($2,050), that amount shall be the district's adult education revenue limit per unit of average daily attendance for the 1993-94 fiscal year. (4) If the amount determined in paragraph (1) is greater than two thousand fifty dollars ($2,050), the difference between that amount and two thousand fifty dollars ($2,050) shall be multiplied by 0.67 and that product shall be added to two thousand fifty dollars ($2,050). That amount shall be the district's adult education revenue limit per unit of average daily attendance for the 1993-94 fiscal year. (5) If the amount determined in paragraph (1) is less than one thousand seven hundred seventy-five dollars ($1,775), the difference between that amount and one thousand seven hundred seventy-five dollars ($1,775) shall be multiplied by .67 and that product shall be subtracted from one thousand seven hundred seventy-five dollars ($1,775). That amount shall be the district's adult education revenue limit per unit of average daily attendance for the 1993-94 fiscal year. (6) Any school district that establishes a new adult education program and receives a state apportionment for adult education on or after July 1, 1993, shall have an adult education revenue limit per unit of average daily attendance equal to the statewide average adult education revenue limit for the 1993-94 fiscal year. (b) For the 1994-95 fiscal year, each school district's adult education revenue limit per unit of average daily attendance shall be determined as follows: (1) (A) Add the total apportionment the school district received for the 1991-92 fiscal year for its adult education program and the portion of its state apportionment that represents the funding for those secondary school pupils concurrently enrolled in adult education. (B) Add the school district's average daily attendance funded for the annual apportionment for the 1991-92 fiscal year for adult education and the portion of the district's funded regular average daily attendance for secondary school pupils concurrently enrolled in adult education. (C) Divide subparagraph (A) by subparagraph (B) to determine the school district's adult education revenue limit per unit of average daily attendance. (2) (A) For a school district offering adult education courses and classes pursuant to Section 41976.2, multiply the funded average daily attendance for the second principal apportionment made in the 1991-92 fiscal year for independent study pupils 21 years of age or older and pupils 19 years of age or older who have not been continuously enrolled in kindergarten or any of grades 1 to 12, inclusive, since their 18th birthday, as calculated pursuant to Section 46300.1, as that section read on January 1, 1992, by the statewide average funded adult education revenue limit for the 1992-93 fiscal year. This amount shall be added to the amount calculated pursuant to subparagraph (A) of paragraph (1) of this subdivision. (B) Determine the funded average daily attendance for the second principal apportionment made in the 1991-92 fiscal year for independent study pupils 21 years of age or older and pupils 19 years of age or older who have not been continuously enrolled in kindergarten or any of grades 1 to 12, inclusive, since their 18th birthday, as calculated pursuant to Section 46300.1, as that section read on January 1, 1992. This amount shall be added to the amount calculated pursuant to subparagraph (B) of paragraph (1) of this subdivision. (3) If the amount determined in paragraph (1) is between one thousand seven hundred seventy-five dollars ($1,775) and two thousand fifty dollars ($2,050), that amount shall be the district's adult education revenue limit per unit of average daily attendance for the 1994-95 fiscal year. (4) If the amount determined in paragraph (1) is greater than two thousand fifty dollars ($2,050), the difference between that amount and two thousand fifty dollars ($2,050) shall be multiplied by 0.33 and that product shall be added to two thousand fifty dollars ($2,050). That amount shall be the district's adult education revenue limit per unit of average daily attendance for the 1994-95 fiscal year. (5) If the amount determined in paragraph (1) is less than one thousand seven hundred seventy-five dollars ($1,775), the difference between that amount and one thousand seven hundred seventy-five dollars ($1,775) shall be multiplied by .34 and that product shall be subtracted from one thousand seven hundred seventy-five dollars ($1,775). That amount shall be the district's adult education revenue limit per unit of average daily attendance for the 1994-95 fiscal year. (6) Any school district that establishes a new adult education program and receives a state apportionment for adult education on or after July 1, 1993, shall have an adult education revenue limit per unit of average daily attendance that is equal to the statewide average adult education revenue limit for the 1994-95 fiscal year. (c) For the 1995-96 fiscal year the adult education revenue limit per unit of average daily attendance shall be one of the following: (1) The amount determined in paragraph (1) of subdivision (a). (2) Two thousand fifty dollars ($2,050) for any district that had a 1993-94 fiscal year adult education revenue limit per unit of average daily attendance determined pursuant to paragraph (4) of subdivision (a). (3) One thousand seven hundred seventy-five dollars ($1,775) for any district that had a 1993-94 fiscal year adult education revenue limit per unit of average daily attendance determined pursuant to paragraph (5) or paragraph (6) of subdivision (a). (d) Commencing July 1, 1996, an inflation adjustment shall be calculated for each district so that over time the adult education revenue limit per unit of average daily attendance shall be the same for all districts. A school district's adult education revenue limit per unit of average daily attendance shall be the district's prior fiscal year's adult education revenue limit per unit of average daily attendance increased by a dollar amount calculated as follows: (1) Determine the dollar amount by multiplying the statewide average funded adult education revenue limit per unit of average daily attendance for the prior fiscal year by the inflation adjustment used to increase revenue limits for unified school districts pursuant to Section 42238.1. (2) Determine a factor as follows: (A) Multiply the highest funded adult education revenue limit per unit of average daily attendance in the state for the prior fiscal year by 1.02. (B) Divide the amount determined in subparagraph (A) by the funded adult education revenue limit per unit of average daily attendance of the school district for the prior fiscal year. (C) If the number determined in subparagraph (B) is greater than 1.10, that result shall be reduced to 1.10. If the number determined in subparagraph (B) is less than 1.02, that result shall be increased to 1.02. (D) Subtract 1.0 from the number determined in subparagraph (C). (E) Divide the number determined in subparagraph (D) by the inflation adjustment used to increase revenue limits for a unified school district pursuant to Section 42238.1. (3) Multiply the dollar amount determined in paragraph (1) by the factor determined in paragraph (2). (4) Add the amount determined in paragraph (3) to the funded adult revenue limit per unit of average daily attendance of the school district for the prior fiscal year. In no case shall any revenue limit per unit of average daily attendance be increased above the amount calculated in subparagraph (A) of paragraph (2). The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall reallocate any amounts calculated for a district in excess of the amount calculated in subparagraph (A) of paragraph (2) to augment the inflation adjustments of other districts. If the amount of funds needed to provide inflation adjustments calculated pursuant to this subdivision exceeds the amount appropriated in the annual Budget Act for adult education program inflation adjustments, the superintendent shall prorate the amounts calculated pursuant to this subdivision. (e) When each district's adult education revenue per unit of average daily attendance is the same, each district, notwithstanding paragraphs (1) and (2) of subdivision (d), shall receive the same inflation adjustment calculated pursuant to the inflation adjustment used to increase revenue limits for unified school districts pursuant to Section 42238.1. (f) If there is an average daily attendance audit adjustment for any of the 1990-91, 1991-92, or 1992-93 fiscal years, for purposes of calculating the district's adjusted adult education revenue limit pursuant to this section, the superintendent, with the approval of the Department of Finance, may waive the average daily attendance audit adjustment if the superintendent determines that the audit exception was minor or inadvertent, or both. 52616.17. Commencing July 1, 1993, the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall determine an authorized limit of adult education average daily attendance for all high school districts and unified school districts that operated and claimed adult education state apportionment for the 1992-93 fiscal year, as follows: (a) For the 1993-94 fiscal year, the district's authorized adult education average daily attendance shall be one of the following: (1) The district's adult education average daily attendance added to the district's average daily attendance for concurrently enrolled high school pupils in adult education programs that was certified for the annual principal apportionment report and for which state apportionment for the 1991-92 fiscal year was received. (2) If the district's average daily attendance for concurrently enrolled high school pupils in adult education used in paragraph (1) exceeds 10 percent of the district's total average daily attendance for all pupils in grades 9 to 12, inclusive, for the same reporting period, the district's authorized adult education average daily attendance pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be reduced by multiplying the amount of certified average daily attendance for concurrently enrolled high school pupils in adult education that exceeds 10 percent by 0.33 and subtracting that amount from the district's authorized adult education average daily attendance pursuant to paragraph (1). (3) For a school district offering adult education courses and classes pursuant to Section 41976.2, add to the amount calculated pursuant to paragraphs (1) or (2) the number of units of average daily attendance claimed by that district for the second principal apportionment made in the 1991-92 fiscal year for independent study pupils 21 years of age or older and pupils 19 years of age or older who have not been continuously enrolled in kindergarten or any of the grades 1 to 12, inclusive, since their 18th birthday, as calculated pursuant to Section 46300.1, as that section read on January 1, 1992. (b) For the 1994-95 fiscal year, the district's authorized adult education average daily attendance shall be one of the following: (1) The district's adult education average daily attendance added to the district's average daily attendance for concurrently enrolled high school pupils in adult education programs that was certified for the annual principal apportionment report and for which state apportionment for the 1991-92 fiscal year was received. (2) If the district's average daily attendance for concurrently enrolled high school pupils in adult education used in paragraph (1) exceeds 10 percent of the district's total average daily attendance for all pupils in grades 9 to 12, inclusive, for the same reporting period, the district's authorized adult education average daily attendance pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be reduced by multiplying the amount of certified average daily attendance for concurrently enrolled high school pupils in adult education that exceeds 10 percent by 0.67 and subtracting that amount from the district's authorized adult education average daily attendance pursuant to paragraph (1). (3) For a school district offering adult education courses and classes pursuant to Section 41976.2, add to the amount calculated pursuant to paragraphs (1) or (2) the number of units of average daily attendance claimed by that district for the second principal apportionment made in the 1991-92 fiscal year for independent study pupils 21 years of age or older and pupils 19 years of age or older who have not been continuously enrolled in kindergarten or any of the grades 1 to 12, inclusive, since their 18th birthday, as calculated pursuant to Section 46300.1, as that section read on January 1, 1992. (c) For the 1995-96 fiscal year, the district's authorized adult education average day attendance shall be one of the following: (1) The district's adult education average daily attendance added to the district's average daily attendance for concurrently enrolled high school pupils in adult education programs that was certified for the annual principal apportionment report and for which the state apportionment for the 1991-92 fiscal year was received. (2) If the district's average daily attendance for concurrently enrolled high school pupils in adult education used in paragraph (1) exceeds 10 percent of the district's total average daily attendance for all pupils in grades 9 to 12, inclusive, for the same reporting period, the district's authorized adult education average daily attendance pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be reduced by multiplying the amount of certified average daily attendance for concurrently enrolled high school pupils in adult education that exceeds 10 percent by 1.00 and subtracting that amount from the district's authorized adult education average daily attendance pursuant to paragraph (1). (3) For a school district offering adult education courses and classes pursuant to Section 41976.2, add to the amount calculated pursuant to paragraph (1) or (2), whichever is applicable, the number of units of average daily attendance claimed by the district for the second principal apportionment for the 1991-92 fiscal year for independent study pupils 21 years of age and older and pupils 19 years of age or older who have not been continuously enrolled in kindergarten, or any of grades 1 to 12, inclusive, since their 18th birthday, as calculated pursuant to Section 46300.1, as that section read on January 1, 1992. (d) For the 1996-97 fiscal year, and each fiscal year thereafter, a school district's adult education average daily attendance for apportionment purposes shall be its authorized adult education average daily attendance for the prior fiscal year multiplied by 1.025. (e) Commencing July 1, 1996, a school district shall not certify for apportionment purposes, that portion of any average daily attendance in adult education programs generated by pupils who are concurrently enrolled for apportionment purposes in high school that exceeds 10 percent of the district's average daily attendance for all pupils in grades 9 to 12, inclusive, for the same reporting period. (f) It is the intent of the Legislature that, commencing July 1, 1993, each school district that conducted programs in the 1991-92 fiscal year through independent study for pupils 21 years of age or older and pupils 19 years of age or older who have not been continuously enrolled in kindergarten or any of grades 1 to 12, inclusive, since their 18th birthday, as calculated pursuant to Section 46300.1, as that section read on January 1, 1992, continue to serve at least the same number of units of average daily attendance through adult education for high school diploma programs in all subsequent years as were funded through those independent study programs in the 1991-92 fiscal year, unless the school district governing board determines that meeting this service requirement would incur costs in excess of the revenue received. 52616.18. (a) Commencing July 1, of each fiscal year, notwithstanding that a school district was not authorized to operate an adult education program pursuant to Section 41976, a school district may apply to the department for initial program approval and funding to begin any adult education programs specified in Section 41976 provided the district meets the following criteria: (1) The district did not operate nor claim state apportionment for an adult education program in the prior fiscal year. (2) The district enters into a written delineation of function agreement pursuant to Chapter 3 (commencing with Section 8500) of Part 6 for the fiscal year for which initial funding is authorized between the applicant school district and the community college district in the same geographical area. (b) The Superintendent of Public Instruction may approve the program and state apportionment funding on the basis of the school district's documented need for adult education programs. The superintendent shall issue a program advisory that sets forth the criteria of need that a district is required to document. (c) A school district that receives state funding under this section shall ensure that priority for program service is given to persons applying for the district's adult education programs authorized by paragraphs (2), (3), and (4) of subdivision (a) of Section 41976. (d) A school district that maintains a current delineation of function agreement with a community college district pursuant to Chapter 3 (commencing with Section 8500) of Part 6 are authorized to divide the responsibility for offering courses pursuant to Section 41976 by mutual agreement of the boards of those districts. (e) This section shall be operative to the extent that the superintendent determines that funds are available pursuant to Section 52616.19 to implement the section on or after July 1, of each fiscal year. 52616.19. (a) Commencing with the 1993-94 fiscal year, and each fiscal year thereafter, the only funding available for purposes of Sections 52616, 52616.16, 52616.17, and 52616.18 shall be the following: (1) Funds that would have been apportioned for purposes of Section 52616, as that section read on June 30, 1993. (2) Funds that would have been apportioned for purposes of concurrently enrolled average daily attendance pursuant to Section 42238.5, as that section read on June 30, 1993. (3) Funds that would have been available for purposes of adult elementary and secondary independent study average daily attendance pursuant to Section 46300.1, as that section read on June 30, 1993. (b) In the 1993-94 fiscal year, up to four million two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($4,250,000) shall be available for the start up of new adult education programs pursuant to Section 52616.18. In the 1994-95 fiscal year, up to eight million five hundred thousand dollars ($8,500,000) shall be available for the startup of new adult education programs and the continuation of programs started and funded in the 1993-94 fiscal year. Four million two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($4,250,000) of that amount shall only be available for new adult education programs if there is no deficit applied pursuant to subdivision (c). It is the intent of the Legislature that, commencing in the 1995-96 fiscal year, those adult education programs started and funded in the 1993-94 and 1994-95 fiscal years shall continue to be funded. (c) If the funds available pursuant to subdivision (a) are not sufficient to fully fund Sections 52616, 52616.16, 52616.17, and 52616.18, the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall reduce the adult education apportionment for each district that received funding pursuant to Section 52616.16. (d) If the funds available pursuant to subdivision (a) exceed the amount needed to fund the purposes specified in Sections 52616, 52616.16, 52616.17, 52616.18, and 52617, the Superintendent shall allocate those excess funds on a one-time basis to a school district operating adult education programs that have exceeded its number of units of authorized adult education average daily attendance in proportion to the excess units of average daily attendance served by each school district for that fiscal year. The Superintendent may not allocate an amount of funds to a school district pursuant to this subdivision that exceeds the total number of units of authorized adult education average daily attendance served by the school district multiplied by the appropriate funding rate per unit of average daily attendance. 52616.20. For purposes of calculating a school district's authorized adult education average daily attendance pursuant to Section 52616.17, average daily attendance for concurrently enrolled high school pupils in adult education programs for districts that currently are party to an adult education joint powers agreement established prior to January 1, 1963, shall be based upon the aggregate average daily attendance of all participating districts' pupils in grades 9 to 12, inclusive. Notwithstanding this section, the average daily attendance for concurrently enrolled high school pupils in the Covina-Valley Unified School District, operated by the Tri-Community Adult Education joint powers authority, shall not exceed the average daily attendance for concurrently enrolled high school pupils in the Covina-Valley Unified School District for the 1992-93 fiscal year. 52616.21. Notwithstanding subdivision (a) of Section 46300 or any other law, a county office of education may administer an adult education program and each eligible school district, as specified in subdivision (e), within its jurisdiction may participate in the program. A county office of education administering that adult education program may report the average daily attendance of each school district participating in the adult education program for the purpose of receiving apportionments pursuant to Sections 52616.18 and 52616.19. The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall make apportionments pursuant to those sections to a county office of education administering that adult education program provided the following conditions are met: (a) The county office of education has a current, valid, written mutual delineation agreement with the local community college located in the geographic area in which the adult education program is offered. (b) The attendance of students reported is attendance while engaged in educational activities required of those students under the immediate supervision and control of a certificated employee of a school district that is under the jurisdiction of the county office of education. (c) The county office of education serves an area of large geographic expanse that is sparsely populated and geographically isolated, as determined by the Superintendent of Public Instruction. (d) The average daily attendance reported is only for those school districts that have agreed to participate in the county-administered adult education program. (e) At least 5 percent of the average daily attendance reported by the school districts served by the county office of education is attributable to the school districts participating in the county-administered adult education program for the purposes of apportionments pursuant to Sections 52616.18 and 52616.19. 52616.24. In the event that a school district is found, pursuant to an audit, to have incorrectly reported adult education or concurrently enrolled average daily attendance to the State Department of Education, the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall recalculate the average daily attendance for purposes of determining the adult block entitlement pursuant to Section 52616. 52617. (a) (1) Commencing in the 2006-07 fiscal year, and in each fiscal year thereafter, the Superintendent shall, after making adjustments pursuant to subdivision (d) of Section 52616.17, and based on data reported to the department by local educational agencies on or before July 15 of each fiscal year, adjust the allocation of apportionments for adult education average daily attendance as follows: (A) For a school district operating an adult education program with fewer than 100 units of authorized adult education average daily attendance, as determined pursuant to Section 52616.17, in the two prior fiscal years, and which served or exceeded its adult education average daily attendance authorized limit in the two prior fiscal years, the Superintendent shall grant to the school district up to 30 additional units of authorized adult education average daily attendance made available after he or she performs the adjustments pursuant to subparagraph (C) upon the request of the district. A school district that receives additional units may not exceed 100 total units. If available units are insufficient to provide for this adjustment, the school district shall receive a prorated amount, relative to the units of authorized adult education average daily attendance of the school district. (B) For a school district operating an adult education program with 100 or more units of authorized adult education average daily attendance, as determined pursuant to Section 52616.17, in the two prior fiscal years, and which served or exceeded its units of authorized adult education average daily attendance for the school district in the two prior fiscal years, the school district shall receive a prorated amount of units available, as specified in paragraph (2), after the Superintendent performs the adjustment required by subparagraphs (A) and (C), relative to the adult education average daily attendance authorized limit of the school district. (C) For a school district operating an adult education program that failed to serve its units of authorized adult education average daily attendance for the school district in the two prior fiscal years, the units of authorized adult education average daily attendance of the school district shall be reduced by an amount equal to one-half of the lowest level of unearned adult education average daily attendance in either of the two prior fiscal years. The Superintendent shall notify a school district that its units of authorized adult education average daily attendance for the school district are reduced pursuant to this paragraph. (2) The Superintendent may not perform adjustments pursuant to paragraph (1) that result in a total statewide apportionment of units of authorized adult education average daily attendance that exceeds the amount funded in the annual Budget Act. (3) (A) A school district that receives additional units of authorized adult education average daily attendance pursuant to paragraph (1) shall provide a number of career technical education courses that is equal to the percentage of average daily attendance of adults attending those courses in the prior three fiscal years without regard to units of authorized adult education average daily attendance added pursuant to paragraph (1). (B) A school district shall use funds derived from an adjustment performed pursuant to paragraph (1) for the purpose of providing access to, or direct instruction in, career technical education courses. (C) "Career technical education courses" means those included within the career and technical education curriculum framework developed pursuant to Section 51226.1. (b) (1) The following school districts are not eligible for an increase in the additional units of authorized adult education average daily attendance, as specified in Section 52616.17, or for additional units of authorized adult education average daily attendance pursuant to subdivision (a), for the 2005-06 fiscal year: (A) Alhambra Unified School District. (B) Azusa Unified School District. (C) Banning Unified School District. (D) East Side Union High School District. (E) El Monte Union High School District. (F) Grant Joint Union High School District. (G) Madera Unified School District. (H) Montebello Unified School District. (I) Perris Union High School District. (J) Santa Maria Joint Union High School District. (K) Ventura Unified School District. (2) The following school districts are not eligible for an increase in the additional units of authorized adult education average daily attendance, as specified in Section 52616.17, or for additional units of authorized adult education average daily attendance pursuant to subdivision (a), for the 2005-06 and 2006-07 fiscal years: (A) Amador County Unified School District. (B) Dublin Unified School District. (C) Manteca Unified School District. (D) Martinez Unified School District. (E) Novato Unified School District. (F) Oakdale Joint Unified School District. (G) Pittsburg Unified School District. (H) Salinas Union High School District. (I) Baldwin Park Unified School District. (3) (A) Notwithstanding paragraph (1) or (2), for the 2005-06 and 2006-07 fiscal years, a school district specified by paragraph (1) or (2) is eligible for an increase in the units of authorized adult education average daily attendance equal to one-half of one percent of the units of authorized adult education average daily attendance of the school district for the sole purpose of the creation of new average daily attendance within a new or existing nursing preparation program. (B) A school district that receives an increase pursuant to subparagraph (A) shall maintain at least the amount of nursing preparation average daily attendance that is equal to the average daily attendance generated by the school district in nursing preparation programs for the prior three fiscal years to be eligible for the increase specified in subparagraph (A). (4) It is the intent of the Legislature that this subdivision resolves disputed claims for adult education average daily attendance made for the 1990-91 and 1991-92 fiscal years.