SECTION 48400-48403
48400. All persons 16 years of age or older and under 18 years of age, not otherwise exempted by this chapter, shall attend upon special continuation education classes maintained by the governing board of the high school district in which they reside, or by the governing board of a neighboring high school district, for not less than four 60-minute hours per week for the regularly established annual school term. Such minimum attendance requirement of four 60-minute hours per week may be satisfied by any combination of attendance upon special continuation education classes and regional occupational centers or programs. 48401. The complaint of any citizen of a school district that such school district has failed to meet the requirements of providing continuation education classes pursuant to this chapter shall be presented to the county superintendent of the county in which such district is located. If, upon investigation, the county superintendent of schools finds the complaint to be justified, he shall forward the complaint along with the results of his investigation to the Superintendent of Public Instruction who shall take steps to enforce compliance with the provisions of this chapter. 48402. Whenever a minor subject to the provisions of this chapter, who is not otherwise exempted by this chapter, cannot give satisfactory proof of regular employment he shall attend, for not less than 15 hours per week, special continuation education classes during the period of unemployment. The minimum attendance requirement of 15 hours per week may be satisfied by any combination of attendance upon special continuation education classes and regional occupational centers or programs. 48403. If any person subject to the provisions of this chapter is an habitual truant or is irregular in attendance as required by this chapter or is habitually insubordinate or disorderly during attendance at school, the county superintendent of schools may request a petition on his behalf in the juvenile court of the county.