SECTION 44770-44774
44770. In enacting this chapter, it is the intent of the Legislature to create and expand regional science resource centers to increase educational and training opportunities for the teachers and students of California. Towards that end, the Legislature intends to provide ongoing funding to support regional science resource centers, in partnership with nonprofit agencies which have demonstrated success in attaining private and governmental support for similar activities on a regional level. 44771. The Superintendent shall designate nonprofit agencies to serve as regional science resource centers. In order to be eligible to be designated as a regional science resource center, a nonprofit agency shall demonstrate all of the following: (a) A history of doing all of the following on a regional basis: (1) Developing and operating a large variety of high quality science exhibits. (2) Providing teacher training. (3) Providing educational services for elementary and secondary school pupils. (b) That its current efforts would be improved both qualitatively and quantitatively, and that a greater number of teachers and students would be served. (c) Historic success in attracting private and public financial support for development and use of its science exhibits and for its teacher training programs. (d) That its exhibits would be cross-referenced to appropriate instructional materials and strategies used by public school teachers providing science and mathematics instruction. (e) The ability to train a minimum of 200 teachers each year in all grade levels. (f) That local school districts have agreed to cooperate in the teacher training program by providing payment for a portion of the costs of release time for teacher training. (g) A commitment to comply with all state and local regulations in establishing priorities and implementing this chapter. 44772. From funds appropriated for the purposes of this chapter, the superintendent shall allocate funds to applicant regional science resource centers. The superintendent shall review each center's application for funding to ensure that the funds will be used only for the purposes authorized by Section 44773, and that the objectives of this chapter will be carried out. 44773. Funds allocated to regional science resource centers pursuant to Section 44772 shall be used by the centers only for the following purposes: (a) Expansion of science exhibits. (b) Costs of institute staff training. (c) Payment of a portion of the costs incurred by school districts using the center's services to train and retrain teachers. (d) Expansion of teacher training services and educational services to students at exhibit sites and schools. (e) Administration and evaluation of project funds. (f) Classroom materials and supplies relating to science education developed by the center. 44774. Funds allocated to a regional science resource center pursuant to this chapter shall supplement, and shall not supplant, funding for the continuing efforts of these centers to provide teacher training or educational services to public schools.