SECTION 44060-44069
44060. The purpose of this article is to provide a basis of determination as to what constitutes a supervisory or administrative classified position or a position requiring certification qualifications not clearly defined in other sections of this code; to provide an interchange of qualified personnel between the certificated and classified services of the public school systems; and to secure rights and benefits to employees moving between the two services, all to the end of assuring better educational systems for the students of the public school systems. The provisions of this article are not intended, nor may they be construed, to invalidate any other sections of this code which were enacted prior to the enactment of this article, relating to positions requiring certification qualifications or the classified service covered in Article 6 (commencing with Section 45240) of Chapter 5 of this part, unless specifically provided herein. This article shall where appropriate apply to districts that have adopted the merit system in the same manner and effect as if it were a part of Article 6 (commencing with Section 45240) of Chapter 5 of this part. 44061. If a person employed by the county superintendent of schools in a position requiring certification qualifications is assigned to a position under the same superintendent not requiring certification qualifications, the employee shall retain all sickness and injury, sabbatical leave, and other rights and benefits. All seniority and tenure rights accumulated by him at the time of assignment to the position not requiring certification qualifications shall be secured to him for a period of 39 months from the time of acceptance of the classified position. His return to certificated service at any time within the 39 months shall be treated as if there had not been an interruption in his certificated service. 44062. If a person employed by the county superintendent of schools in a position not requiring certification qualifications is assigned to a position under the same superintendent requiring certification qualifications, the employee shall retain all sick leave, vacation, and other rights and benefits accumulated by him at the time of assignment to the position requiring certification qualifications. All seniority and permanency rights shall be secured to such an employee for a period of 39 months from the date of his acceptance of the certificated position. Such an employee shall be eligible to return to and assume the duties of his prior classified position at any time during the 39 months and his return shall be treated as if there had not been an interruption in his classified service. 44063. If an employee of a school district, including a district having the merit system as outlined in Article 6 (commencing with Section 45240) of Chapter 5, employed in a position requiring certification qualifications is assigned to a position in the classified service of the same district, the employee shall retain all sickness and injury, sabbatical leave, and other rights and benefits. All seniority and tenure rights accumulated by the employee at the time of assignment to the position in the classified service shall be secured to the employee during the period of time he or she occupies a position in the classified service. The employee's return to certificated service at any time shall be treated as if there had not been an interruption in his or her certificated service. 44064. If an employee of a school district, including a district having the merit system as outlined in Article 6 (commencing with Section 45240) of Chapter 5, employed in a position in the classified service is assigned to a position in the same district requiring certification qualifications, the employee shall retain all sick leave, vacation, and other rights and benefits accumulated by the employee at the time he or she is assigned to a position requiring certification qualifications. All seniority and permanency rights shall be secured to the employee during the period of time he or she occupies a position in the certificated service. The employee's return to the classified service at any time shall be treated as if there had not been an interruption in his or her classified service. 44065. (a) Except as provided in subdivision (d), any person employed on or after July 1, 1963, by a school district, including a district having the merit system as outlined in Article 6 (commencing with Section 45240) of Chapter 5 of this part, or by a county superintendent of schools, in a position in which 50 percent or more of his or her duties performed during the school year, whether performed in a particular school or district or countywide, consist of rendering service in directing, coordinating, supervising or administering any portion or all of the types of functions listed below in this section shall hold a valid teaching or service credential as appropriate, whichever is designated in regulations adopted by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing, authorizing the particular service. The types of functions are: (1) The work of instructors and the instructional program for pupils. (2) Educational or vocational counseling, guidance and placement services. (3) School extracurricular activities related to, and an outgrowth of, the instructional and guidance program of the school. (4) Planning courses of study to be used in the public schools of the state. (5) The selection, collection, preparation, classification or demonstration of instructional materials of any course of study for use in the development of the instructional program in the schools of the state. (6) Research connected with the evaluation and efficiency of the instructional program. (7) The school health program. (8) Activities connected with the enforcement of the laws relating to compulsory education, coordination of child welfare activities involving the school and the home, and the school adjustment of pupils. (9) The school library services. (10) The preparation and distribution of instructional materials. (11) The in-service training of teachers, principals, or other certificated personnel. (12) The interpretation and evaluation of the school instructional program. (13) The examination, selection, or assignment of teachers, principals, or other certificated personnel involved in the instructional program. (b) Any person who was employed by a district or by a county superintendent of schools before July 1, 1963, to perform any of the services designated by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to require a supervision or administration credential, may continue to perform such services without possessing the credential otherwise required as long as he remains continuously employed to perform the same services in that county superintendent's office or in that district in which he was employed on that date, or is continuously employed to perform the same services in a district which results from a reorganization involving the same district. (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the governing board of any school district maintaining kindergarten or any of grades 1 to 12, inclusive, or providing adult education classes, may employ for purposes of instructing apprentices duly registered with the Division of Apprenticeship Standards, persons holding any of the following valid credentials: (1) A community college instructor credential. (2) A community college limited service credential. (3) A community college special limited service credential. (d) Notwithstanding subdivision (a), a school district or county superintendent of schools may hire persons who do not hold valid teaching or service credentials to perform the examination, selection or assignment of teachers, principals, or certificated personnel involved in the instructional program. 44066. A governing board of any school district or a county board of education or a county superintendent of schools or other appointing authority shall not require an employee or applicant to possess any certification, license, or other credential unless the possession of such a certification, license, or other credential is required by statute or is based upon a bona fide occupational qualification. It is the intent of the Legislature that any person who had served in a position for which certification, license, or other credential not necessitated by statute or bona fide occupational qualification, had been required, and in a position which was designated by the governing board as a position requiring certification qualifications, shall be deemed to be an employee in a position requiring certification qualifications for as long as he or she holds such position and it is further the intent of the Legislature that such position shall be deemed to be a certificated position for as long as such person holds such position. 44067. Any person who, on September 15, 1961, is serving in a position for which a credential was issued or certification qualifications required pursuant to Section 44286 prior to the repeal of such sections, shall be deemed to be an employee in a position requiring such credential or certification qualifications for as long as he holds such position after September 15, 1961. 44068. Any person who, on June 30, 1965, was serving in a position requiring certification qualifications pursuant to the provisions of subdivisions (m), (n), and (o) of Section 13055 as amended by Chapter 840 of the Statutes of 1963, shall be deemed to be an employee in a position requiring certification qualifications for as long as he or she holds that position after January 1, 1987, and that position shall be deemed to be a certificated position for as long as this person holds that position. 44068.5. Any person who, on July 1, 1986, was serving in a position requiring certification qualifications pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (6) of subdivision (a) of Section 44065 as amended by Chapter 905 of the Statutes of 1985, shall be deemed to be an employee in a position requiring certification qualifications for as long as he or she holds that position after January 1, 1987, and that position shall be deemed to be a certificated position for as long as this person holds that position. 44069. (a) Any person who, on September 17, 1965, was serving in a position as business manager and had been assigned a title listed in Section 35028 shall be deemed to be an employee in a position requiring certification qualifications for so long as he holds such position in the same district. (b) Any person who, on March 4, 1972, was serving in a position of business manager and that position had been declared, by the governing board, to be one requiring certification qualifications in accordance with the authority extended in this section prior to March 4, 1972, shall be deemed to be an employee in a position requiring certification qualifications for so long as he holds such position in the same district. (c) Except as provided in subdivision (d), on and after March 4, 1972, no person employed in a position of business manager shall be required to be credentialed and no title assignment, work, duty statement or other device, including but not limited to educational or other requirements of applicants, which may be established by the governing board, may be construed to require certification qualifications for any such position or reasonably related position. (d) The governing board of any school district with less than 3,000 units of average daily attendance in the prior fiscal year may require any person employed in a position of business manager to be credentialed.