SECTION 18850-18859
18850. The state board shall make available all of the following: (a) A telecommunications infrastructure to ensure that all participating libraries have equitable access to the resources and services of all other California libraries. (b) A statewide communications system between and among regional library networks, statewide resource libraries, information agencies, and all other organizations or institutions participating in the programs authorized by this chapter. (c) A statewide delivery system between and among regional library networks, statewide resource libraries, information agencies, and all other organizations or institutions participating in the programs authorized by this chapter. 18851. (a) The state board shall promote and support standard bibliographic records and communication protocols in participating libraries to ensure statewide access to their resources. (b) The state board shall make available online access to bibliographic records and locations of serial publications held by participating libraries and statewide online access to library information files, resources, and bibliographic records statewide, as facilitated by the regional library networks. 18852. (a) The state board shall make available a continuing education clearinghouse related to library services and encourage the coordination of activities among the continuing education providers statewide. (b) The state board shall provide for training and continuing education opportunities that encourage the most effective use of the resources and services authorized under this chapter. 18853. (a) The state board shall facilitate and support access to specialized information expertise and resources statewide to answer information requests generated by its primary clientele that are beyond the capacity or capability of a member institution or public library jurisdiction and its regional library network. The information may be provided by libraries, information agencies, and other regional library networks; and it shall be provided through electronic or physical means. Provision shall be made for information formats specially relevant to culturally diverse populations and persons with disabilities. (b) Any eligible library or combination of libraries or regional library networks may receive funds from the state board for information service enhancement within the service area. 18854. The state board shall expand public awareness of the value, services, and resources of the participating library of whatever type, emphasizing its ability to serve as a gateway to all other California libraries. 18855. (a) The state board shall encourage, promote and support cooperative, coordinated resource development among member institutions and member public library jurisdictions. (b) The state board shall make available a clearinghouse to facilitate the voluntary transfer of a participating library's resources to another participating library in response to changes in that library's mission or location. (c) Any combination of eligible libraries may receive funds from the state board for cooperative, coordinated resource development programs of benefit to people in their local area and in the state as a whole. Each library participating in this program shall already be capable of meeting the basic, recurring needs of its primary clientele through its locally supported collection. Library resources purchased, in whole or in part, under this program shall be widely accessible to Californians for the useful life of those resources. 18856. (a) The state board shall make available a preservation information center to provide preservation information, coordinate preservation activities, and conduct preservation training for participating libraries and information agencies statewide. (b) Any eligible library or combination of eligible libraries may receive funds from the state board for the preservation of, and widespread access to, materials that document California's heritage, enhance its educational opportunities and economic future, and portray its cultural diversity. Materials in all formats may be preserved. 18857. Any eligible library or combination of eligible libraries may submit proposals to the state board for services to the underserved programs within the service area. Funds may be expended for the development of collections to meet the needs of the underserved, together with the employment or retraining of staff necessary to promote and utilize the collections effectively, and to provide appropriate services to the underserved. 18858. Administration and management shall provide the vision and leadership necessary to perform the functions and deliver the services in a timely and satisfactory manner. Statewide coordination includes linkages with national and international library networks and participation in initiatives related to library services and development that cross state and national boundaries. 18859. Major resource libraries statewide may participate in these programs through the statewide resource libraries group, developing protocols whereby their resources may be accessed appropriately by people throughout California. Each library must be a member or a participating library in a regional library network. (a) Funds may be allocated to some or all libraries in this group for services delivered and performed under this article. (b) Collaborative and cooperative projects advancing library services to the people of California may be undertaken and supported by some or all members of this group.