SECTION 18510-18518
18510. The board of trustees of any union high school library district may, when in its judgment it is deemed advisable, and shall upon a petition of 50 or more taxpayers and residents of the library district, call an election and submit to the electors of the district the proposition of whether the bonds of the district shall be issued and sold for the purpose of raising money for any or all of the following purposes: (a) The purchase of suitable lots. (b) Procuring plans and specifications and erecting a suitable building. (c) Furnishing and equipping the building and fencing and ornamenting the grounds, for the accommodation of the union high school library. (d) Any or all of the purposes of this chapter. (e) Liquidating any indebtedness incurred for the purposes. (f) Refunding any outstanding valid indebtedness evidenced by bonds or warrants of the district. 18511. In determining the amount of bonds to be issued and sold, the board of trustees may include: (a) Legal or other fees incidental to or connected with the authorization, issuance and sale of the bonds. (b) The costs of printing the bonds and other costs and expenses incidental to or connected with the authorization, issuance and sale of the bonds. If such a determination is made, the proceeds of the sale of the bonds may be used to pay such costs and fees. 18513. Voting shall be by ballot, without reference to the general election law in regard to form of ballot or manner of voting, except that the words to appear on the ballot shall be "Bonds--Yes" and "Bonds--No." Persons voting at the bond election shall put a cross (+) upon their ballot with pencil or ink, after the words "Bonds--Yes" or "Bonds--No," as the case may be, to indicate whether they have voted for or against the issuance of the bonds. The ballot shall be handed by the elector voting to the inspector, who shall then, in his presence, deposit it in the ballot box, and the judges shall enter the elector's name on the poll list. 18515. If it appears that two-thirds of the votes cast at the election are in favor of issuing the bonds, the board shall cause an entry of the fact to be made upon its minutes and shall certify to the board of supervisors of the county all the proceedings had in the premises. 18518. No error, irregularity, or omission which does not affect the substantial rights of the taxpayers within the district or the electors voting at any election at which bonds of any district are authorized to be issued shall invalidate the election or any bonds authorized by such election.