SECTION 15190-15194
15190. Whenever the owner of any coupon bond or of any bond payable to bearer presents the bond to the treasurer or other officer of the county in which the district is located, who by law performs the duties of treasurer, with a request for the conversion of the bond into a registered bond, the treasurer or other officer shall cut off and cancel the coupons of the coupon bond, and shall stamp, print, or write upon the coupon bond or other bond payable to the bearer, either upon its back or upon its face, as may be convenient, a statement to the effect that the bond is registered in the name of the owner and that thereafter the interest and principal of the bond are payable to the registered owner. 15191. After registration any bond may be transferred by the registered owner in person, or by attorney duly authorized, on presentation of the bond to the treasurer or other officer performing the duties of treasurer. The bond may be again registered as before, a similar statement being stamped, printed, or written thereon. 15192. The statement stamped, printed, or written upon the bond may be substantially in the following form: (D at e, gi vi ng mo nt h, da y, an d ye ar .) Th is bo nd is re gi st er ed pu rs ua nt to th e st at ut e in su ch ca se s ma de an d pr ov id ed in th e na me of (i ns er t na me of ow ne r) an d th e in te re st an d pr in ci pa l th er eo f ar e he re af te r pa ya bl e to th e ow ne r. _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ _ Tr ea su re r (o r ot he r of fi ce r) 15193. After any bond has been registered as provided in this article, the principal and interest of the bond shall be payable to the registered owner. 15194. The treasurer or other officer shall keep in his or her office a book or books which shall at all times show what bonds are registered and in whose name respectively.