SECTION 14000-14035
14000. It is the intent of the Legislature that the administration of the laws governing the financial support of the public school system in this state be conducted within the purview of the following principles and policies: The system of public school support should be designed to strengthen and encourage local responsibility for control of public education. Local school districts should be so organized that they can facilitate the provision of full educational opportunities for all who attend the public schools. Local control is best accomplished by the development of strong, vigorous, and properly organized local school administrative units. It is the state's responsibility to create or facilitate the creation of local districts of sufficient size to properly discharge local responsibilities and to spend the tax dollar effectively. The system of public school support should assure that state, local, and other funds are adequate for the support of a realistic funding level. It is unrealistic and unfair to the less wealthy districts to provide for only a part of the financing necessary for an adequate educational program. The system of public school support should permit and encourage local school districts to provide and support improved district organization and educational programs. The system of public school support should prohibit the introduction of undesirable organization and educational practices, and should discourage any of those practices now in effect. Improvement of programs in particular districts is in the interests of the state as a whole as well as of the people in individual districts, since the excellence of the programs in some districts will tend to bring about program improvement in other districts. The system of public school support should make provision for the apportionment of state funds to local districts on a strictly objective basis that can be computed as well by the local districts as by the state. The principle of local responsibility requires that the granting of discretionary powers to state officials over the distribution of state aid and the granting to these officials of the power to impose undue restriction on the use of funds and the conduct of educational programs at the local level be avoided. The system of public school support should effect a partnership between the state, the county, and school districts, with each participating equitably in accordance with its relative ability. The respective abilities should be combined to provide a financial plan between the state and the local agencies for public school support. Toward this support program, each county and district, through a uniform method, should contribute in accordance with its true financial ability. The system of public school support should provide for essential educational opportunities for all who attend the public schools. Provision should be made in the financial plan for adequate financing of all educational services. The broader based taxing power of the state should be utilized to raise the level of financial support in the properly organized but financially weak districts of the state, thus contributing greatly to the equalization of educational opportunity for the students residing therein. It should also be used to provide a minimum amount of guaranteed support to all districts, for that state assistance serves to develop among all districts a sense of responsibility to the entire system of public education in the state. 14002. (a) The Controller shall during each fiscal year commencing with the 1980-81 fiscal year, transfer from the General Fund of the state to that portion of the State School Fund restricted for elementary and high school purposes, hereinafter called Section A of the State School Fund such sums, in addition to the sums accruing from other sources, as shall provide in Section A of the State School Fund for apportionment during the fiscal year a total amount per pupil in average daily attendance during the preceding fiscal year credited to all elementary, high, and unified school districts and to all county superintendents of schools in the state, as certified by the Superintendent of Public Instruction, of one hundred eighty dollars ($180). (b) The Controller shall also transfer, as needed during each fiscal year commencing with the 1980-81 fiscal year, such additional amounts from the General Fund to Section A of the State School Fund as are certified from time to time by the Superintendent of Public Instruction to be necessary to meet actual computed apportionments from Section A of the State School Fund for the purposes set forth in Section 41301; provided that the total of such additional amounts transferred in a fiscal year shall not exceed, except pursuant to subdivision (c) of this section, one thousand two hundred sixty-eight dollars ($1,268) for the 1980-81 fiscal year and fiscal years thereafter, per pupil in average daily attendance during the preceding fiscal year credited to all elementary, high, and unified school districts and to all county superintendents of schools in the state, as certified by the Superintendent of Public Instruction. (c) In addition to the amounts authorized to be transferred to Section A of the State School Fund under subdivisions (a) and (b), the Controller shall transfer from the General Fund to Section A of the State School Fund during the fiscal year, upon certification of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, if necessary to meet actual computed apportionments for the fiscal year for the purposes set forth in Sections 41300 and 41301, an amount not to exceed the lesser of: (1) 1 percent of the total apportionment from Section A of the State School Fund in the preceding fiscal year for the purposes set forth in Sections 41300 and 41301, or (2) the net amount, if any, by which the total amounts authorized to be transferred from the General Fund to Section A of the State School Fund under subdivisions (a) and (b) in prior fiscal years have exceeded the total amounts actually apportioned in prior fiscal years for the purposes set forth in Sections 41300 and 41301. (d) The Controller shall also transfer to Section A of the State School Fund any additional amounts appropriated thereto by the Legislature in augmentation of any of the amounts for any of the purposes set forth in Sections 41300 and 41301 and such additional amounts shall be allowed and apportioned by the Superintendent of Public Instruction and warrants therefor drawn by the Controller in the manner provided in Sections 41050, 46304, and 84503 and in this article, Article 2 (commencing with Section 14040), Article 3 (commencing with Section 41330) of Chapter 3, and Article 1 (commencing with Section 41600) of Chapter 4 of Part 24. (e) The amounts transferred under subdivisions (a) and (b) of this section shall be cumulatively increased by the following amounts: (1) In the 1981-82 fiscal year, by 7 percent. (2) In the 1982-83 fiscal year and each fiscal year thereafter, by 6 percent. (f) This section shall become operative on July 1, 2002. 14002.1. Notwithstanding any other law, for purposes of determining (a) the amounts to be certified pursuant to Sections 14002 and 14004, (b) allocations made pursuant to Section 41301, (c) the apportionments required to be made pursuant to Sections 41330, 41332, and 41335, (d) revenue limits for school districts pursuant to Section 42238, as adjusted pursuant to Sections 42238.14, 42238.145, and 42238.146, and (e) revenue limits for county offices of education pursuant to Section 2558, as adjusted pursuant to Sections 2558.4, 2558.45, and 2558.46, the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall use the property tax estimates received from county auditors pursuant to Section 75.70 of the Revenue and Taxation Code. 14002.3. Notwithstanding any other law, for purposes of Sections 14002, 14004, and 41301, for the 2000-01 fiscal year and each fiscal year thereafter, the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall certify to the Controller amounts that do not exceed the amounts needed to fund the revenue limits of school districts, as determined pursuant to Section 42238, the revenue limits of county superintendents of schools, as determined pursuant to Section 2558, warrants issued pursuant to Section 41329.57, and the revenue limit portion of charter school operational funding, as determined pursuant to Section 47633. 14002.5. In making the computation prescribed by subdivision (b) of Section 14002, the Controller shall cumulatively increase the seventy-nine cents ($0.79) amount prescribed by that subdivision by 6 percent annually, and shall cumulatively increase the twenty-one dollar and fifty cents ($21.50) amount prescribed by that subdivision by 6 percent annually. 14003. (a) Commencing with the 2010-11 fiscal year, on March 28 of each fiscal year in which the percentage growth in per capita General Fund revenues exceeds the percentage growth in California per capita personal income, the Controller shall transfer from the General Fund to Sections A and B of the State School Fund, as set forth in subdivision (c), the amount determined pursuant to paragraph (1) minus the amount determined pursuant to paragraph (2). (1) The product of General Fund revenues from proceeds of taxes and one-half of the difference between the percentage growth in per capita General Fund revenues from proceeds of taxes and in California per capita personal income. (2) The amount of the maintenance factor certified pursuant to Section 41207.2 that is allocated in the current year pursuant to subdivision (e) of Section 8 of Article XVI of the California Constitution. (b) The amount transferred pursuant to subdivision (a) shall be in addition to amounts required to be allocated pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 8 of Article XVI of the California Constitution. (c) (1) Of the amount determined pursuant to subdivision (a), the Controller shall transfer 92 percent to Section A of the State School Fund. The Superintendent shall allocate the funds transferred pursuant to this paragraph in the following priority order: (A) An amount not to exceed two hundred million dollars ($200,000,000) for the purposes of revenue limit equalization in a manner consistent with Section 42238.49 for the first fiscal year in which funds are transferred pursuant to this paragraph. (B) Such amounts as necessary to reduce the revenue limit deficit factors set forth in Sections 2558.46 and 42238.146 until the deficit factors are reduced to zero. (C) Any remaining amounts transferred pursuant to this paragraph shall be allocated as an equal increase per unit of average daily attendance in general purpose apportionments for purposes of Sections 2558, 42238, and 47633. (2) Of the amount determined pursuant to subdivision (a), the Controller shall transfer 8 percent to Section B of the State School Fund. The Chancellor of the Community Colleges shall allocate the funds transferred pursuant to this paragraph in equal amounts for the following purposes: (A) For purposes of career and technical education pursuant to Chapter 352 of the Statutes of 2005. (B) As a proportionate increase in general purpose apportionments for community college districts. (d) For purposes of determining the amount required pursuant to paragraph (2) or (3), as applicable, of subdivision (b) of Section 8 of Article XVI of the California Constitution for the following fiscal year, all amounts transferred in the prior fiscal year pursuant to this section shall be deemed allocations to school districts and community college districts from General Fund proceeds of taxes appropriated pursuant to Article XIII B for that prior fiscal year. (e) The sum of the amounts transferred pursuant to this section plus the sum of the amounts of the maintenance factor certified pursuant to Section 41207.2 that is allocated pursuant to subdivision (e) of Section 8 of Article XVI of the California Constitution shall not exceed the total amount of eleven billion two hundred twelve million nine hundred nine thousand dollars ($11,212,909,000) less any maintenance factor amount that is allocated for the 2009-10 fiscal year. 14004. In addition to all other funds appropriated and transferred to Section A of the State School Fund, the Controller shall annually transfer from the General Fund to Section A of this State School Fund for apportionment during the fiscal year a total amount per pupil in average daily attendance during the preceding fiscal year credited to all elementary, high, and unified school districts and to all county superintendents of schools in the state as certified by the Superintendent of Public Instruction of fourteen cents ($0.14). 14004.5. (a) In addition to all other funds appropriated and transferred to Section A of the State School Fund, the Controller shall annually transfer from the General Fund to Section A of the State School Fund for apportionment during the fiscal year a total amount per pupil in average daily attendance during the preceding fiscal year credited to all elementary, high, and unified school districts and to all the county superintendents of schools in the state as certified by the Superintendent of Public Instruction, of twenty-one dollars and eighty cents ($21.80) for fiscal year 1978-79 and thirty-four dollars and fifty-one cents ($34.51) for fiscal year 1979-80, for apportionments allowed pursuant to Article 5 (commencing with Section 56300) of Chapter 2 of Part 30. (b) Funds appropriated pursuant to this section and funds available pursuant to Section 41301 shall be used for Part 30 (commencing with Section 56000), including the Master Plan for Special Education (Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 56300) of Part 30). For the 1977-78 fiscal year, the superintendent shall adjust all special education allowances not previously adjusted pursuant to Chapter 219 of the Statutes of 1977 by 6 percent. It is the intent of the Legislature that, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 1247 of the Statutes of 1977, and subject to future budget acts, the funds provided in subdivision (a) for the purpose of providing special education services pursuant to Section 56300 shall be sixty-three dollars and fifty-six cents ($63.56) for the 1980-81 fiscal year and one hundred thirteen dollars and eighty-two cents ($113.82) for the 1981-82 fiscal year. 14005. (a) The amount to be transferred to Section A of the State School Fund under Section 14002 shall in each fiscal year be adjusted for errors of average daily attendance reported in prior fiscal years. Adjustment of such errors will be subject to the time limitations as provided in Section 41341. Such adjustments with regard to the amount to be transferred to Section A of the State School Fund shall be at the state's rate of contribution under Section 14002 in effect in the fiscal year to which the error applied, and shall be applied in accordance with the purposes set forth under Section 41300. The amount of any adjustment shall not, however, cause the amount to be transferred to Section A of the State School Fund during any fiscal year under Section 14002 to be less than one hundred eighty dollars ($180) per pupil in average daily attendance during the preceding fiscal year credited to all elementary, high, and unified school districts and to all county superintendents of schools in the state. (b) If in any fiscal year the amount transferred to Section A of the State School Fund under Section 41304 is reported to be in error, the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall notify the Controller of such error, and he shall add to or withhold from the next apportionment moneys due the district by transfers from or returns to the General Fund of such erroneous amounts. 14007. In addition to all other funds appropriated and transferred to Section A of the State School Fund, the Controller shall annually transfer from the General Fund to Section A of the State School Fund for apportionment during the fiscal year a total amount of nine cents ($0.09) per pupil in average daily attendance during the preceding fiscal year credited to all elementary, high, and unified school districts and to all county superintendents of schools in the state, as certified by the Superintendent of Public Instruction, for the purposes of Section 41301.5. 14020.1. Instructional Improvement and Accountability The amount transferred to Section B of the State School Fund pursuant to Section 8.5 of Article XVI of the State Constitution shall to the maximum extent feasible be expended or encumbered during the year received solely for the purposes of instructional improvement and accountability. (a) For the purposes of this section, "instructional improvement and accountability" shall mean expenditures for instructional activities for college sites which directly benefit the instruction of students and shall be limited to expenditures for the following: (1) Programs which require individual assessment and counseling of students for the purpose of designing a curriculum for each student and establishing a period of time within which to achieve the goals of that curriculum and the support services needed to achieve these goals, provided that any such program shall first have been approved by the Board of Governors of Community Colleges. (2) Instructional supplies, instructional equipment, and instructional materials and support services necessary to improve campus conditions. (3) Faculty development which improves instruction and increases the quality and effectiveness of instructional staff, as mutually determined by faculty and the community college district governing board. (4) Compensation of faculty. (b) Funds transferred to each community college district pursuant to this section shall be deposited in a separate account and shall be maintained and appropriated separately from funds from all other sources. Funds appropriated pursuant to this section shall supplement other resources of each community college district and shall not supplant funds appropriated from any other source. 14022. (a) For the purposes of Section 8 and Section 8.5 of Article XVI of the California Constitution, 'enrollment' shall mean: (1) In community college districts, full-time equivalent students receiving services, and (2) In school districts, average daily attendance when students are counted as average daily attendance and average daily attendance equivalents for services not counted in average daily attendance. (b) Determination of enrollment shall be based upon actual data from prior years and for the next succeeding year such enrollments shall be estimated enrollments adjusted for actual data as actual data becomes available. 14022.3. (a) For purposes of calculating "increases in enrollment" pursuant to paragraph (2) or (3) of subdivision (b) of Section 8 of Article XVI of the California Constitution, the term "enrollment" for school districts, community college districts, and state agencies providing direct elementary and secondary level instructional services means the sum of the following: (1) Second principal apportionment regular average daily attendance for kindergarten and grades 1 to 12, inclusive, as defined in subdivision (b) of Section 42238.5, and as adjusted for any average daily attendance audit findings. (2) Annual average daily attendance for county offices of education, as calculated pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 41601, and as adjusted for any average daily attendance audit findings. (b) Any determination or computation of enrollment for purposes of this section shall be based upon actual data from prior years. For the next succeeding year, any determination or computation of enrollment for purposes of this section shall be the estimated enrollment, adjusted as actual data become available. 14022.5. (a) For purposes of Section 8.5 of Article XVI of the California Constitution, the term "enrollment" shall have the following meaning for school districts, community college districts, and state agencies providing direct elementary and secondary level instructional services: (1) In school districts: (A) The average daily attendance of each school district reported for the second principal apportionment pursuant to Section 41601. (B) The annual average daily attendance for adult education programs and classes, as determined under subdivision (d) of Section 41601. (C) The annual average daily attendance for regional occupational centers and programs, as determined under subdivision (d) of Section 41601. (D) The average daily attendance of apprentices enrolled in any class and reported pursuant to Section 8150, except that one unit of average daily attendance, for purposes of this paragraph, shall equal 525 hours of apprenticeship instruction in an apprenticeship program operated pursuant to Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 3070) of Division 3 of the Labor Code. (E) (i) The annual average daily attendance for children enrolled in a state preschool program under the Child Care and Development Services Act (Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 8200) of Part 6), except that one unit of average daily attendance, for purposes of this clause, shall equal 700 hours of child care or preschool services. (ii) The annual average daily attendance for children enrolled in any other program under the Child Care and Development Services Act (Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 8200) of Part 6), except that one unit of average daily attendance, for purposes of this clause, shall equal 250 days of child care services. For the purposes of this clause, less than four hours per day of child care services shall be defined as one-half day, from four up to six and one-half hours per day shall be defined as three-fourths day, and six and one-half hours or more per day shall be defined as one full day. (F) The annual average daily attendance of pupils enrolled in summer school, computed pursuant to Section 42239, except that one unit of average daily attendance shall equal 700 hours of summer school instruction in an approved summer school program. (G) The annual average daily attendance for pupils enrolled in an educational program offered by a county office of education, as determined pursuant to subdivisions (b) and (c) of Section 41601. (2) In community college districts: (A) The annual average daily attendance of a community college district computed pursuant to Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 84500) of Part 50, until Section 84750 becomes operative, and thereafter the number of full-time equivalent students as computed pursuant to Section 84750. (B) The annual average daily attendance for evening community college programs designated as adult schools pursuant to Section 78401, as determined pursuant to Section 78405. (C) The annual average daily attendance of apprentices enrolled in any class and reported pursuant to Section 8150, except that one unit of average daily attendance, for purposes of this paragraph, shall equal 525 hours of apprenticeship instruction in an apprenticeship program operated pursuant to Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 3070) of Division 3 of the Labor Code. (3) In state agencies that provide direct elementary and secondary level instructional services: (A) The annual average daily attendance equivalent for pupils enrolled in the State Schools for the Handicapped pursuant to Part 32 (commencing with Section 59000). (B) The annual average daily attendance equivalent for pupils attending an educational program administered by the Department of the Youth Authority pursuant to Article 6 (commencing with Section 1120) and Article 10 (commencing with Section 1250) of Part 1 of Division 2 of Chapter 3 of the Welfare and Institutions Code. (C) The annual average daily attendance equivalent for pupils in the state hospitals operated by the State Department of Developmental Services pursuant to Chapter 8 (commencing with Section 56850) of Part 30. (b) Any determination or computation of enrollment for purposes of this section shall be based upon actual data from prior years. For the next succeeding year, any determination or computation of enrollment for purposes of this section shall be the estimated enrollment, adjusted as actual data become available. (c) This section shall remain in effect only until July 1, 1990, and as of that date is repealed, unless Senate Constitutional Amendment No. 1 is ratified by the voters at the statewide election to be held on June 5, 1990. 14022.5. (a) For purposes of Section 8.5 of Article XVI of the California Constitution, the term "enrollment" shall have the following meaning for school districts, community college districts, and state agencies providing direct elementary and secondary level instructional services: (1) In school districts: (A) The average daily attendance of each school district reported for the second principal apportionment pursuant to Section 41601. (B) The annual average daily attendance for adult education programs and classes, as determined under subdivision (d) of Section 41601. (C) The annual average daily attendance for regional occupational centers and programs, as determined under subdivision (d) of Section 41601. (D) The average daily attendance of apprentices enrolled in any class and reported pursuant to Section 8150, except that one unit of average daily attendance, for purposes of this paragraph, shall equal 525 hours of apprenticeship instruction in an apprenticeship program operated pursuant to Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 3070) of Division 3 of the Labor Code. (E) (i) The annual average daily attendance for children enrolled in a state preschool program under the Child Care and Development Services Act (Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 8200) of Part 6), except that one unit of average daily attendance, for purposes of this clause, shall equal 700 hours of preschool services. (ii) The annual average daily attendance for children enrolled in any other program under the Child Care and Development Services Act (Chapter 2 (commencing with Section 8200) of Part 6), except that one unit of average daily attendance, for purposes of this clause, shall equal 250 days of services. For the purposes of this clause, less than four hours per day of services shall be defined as one-half day, from four up to six and one-half hours per day shall be defined as three-fourths day, and six and one-half hours or more per day shall be defined as one full day. (F) The annual average daily attendance of pupils enrolled in summer school, computed pursuant to Section 42239, except that one unit of average daily attendance shall equal 700 hours of summer school instruction in an approved summer school program. (G) The annual average daily attendance for pupils enrolled in an educational program offered by a county office of education, as determined pursuant to subdivisions (b) and (c) of Section 41601. (2) In community college districts: (A) The annual average daily attendance of a community college district computed pursuant to Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 84500) of Part 50, until Section 84750 becomes operative, and thereafter the number of full-time equivalent students as computed pursuant to Section 84750. (B) The annual average daily attendance for evening community college programs designated as adult schools pursuant to Section 78401, as determined pursuant to Section 78405. (C) The annual average daily attendance of apprentices enrolled in any class and reported pursuant to Section 8150, except that one unit of average daily attendance, for purposes of this paragraph, shall equal 525 hours of apprenticeship instruction in an apprenticeship program operated pursuant to Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 3070) of Division 3 of the Labor Code. (3) In state agencies that provide direct elementary and secondary level instructional services: (A) The annual average daily attendance equivalent for pupils enrolled in the State Schools for the Handicapped pursuant to Part 32 (commencing with Section 59000). (B) The annual average daily attendance equivalent for pupils attending an educational program administered by the Department of the Youth Authority pursuant to Article 6 (commencing with Section 1120) and Article 10 (commencing with Section 1250) of Part 1 of Division 2 of Chapter 3 of the Welfare and Institutions Code. (C) The annual average daily attendance equivalent for pupils in the state hospitals operated by the State Department of Developmental Services pursuant to Chapter 8 (commencing with Section 56850) of Part 30. (b) Any determination or computation of enrollment for purposes of this section shall be based upon actual data from prior years. For the next succeeding year, any determination or computation of enrollment for purposes of this section shall be the estimated enrollment, adjusted as actual data become available. (c) This section shall remain in effect only until July 1, 1990, and as of that date is repealed, unless Senate Constitutional Amendment No. 1 is ratified by the voters at the statewide election to be held on June 5, 1990. 14035. (a) The county school service fund contingency account is hereby established in the General Fund. In each fiscal year the amount credited to the account shall be one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000). Notwithstanding any provision of Section 14002 to the contrary, the amount to be credited to the county school service fund contingency account each fiscal year shall not be transferred from the General Fund as required or authorized to be transferred by Section 14002, but the amounts required or authorized to be transferred by Section 14002 shall be reduced by the amount to be credited to the contingency account and shall remain in the General Fund to the credit of the contingency account. (b) The moneys in the General Fund to the credit of the contingency account shall be transferred by the Controller to the State School Fund in amounts as are certified from time to time by the Superintendent of Public Instruction to be necessary to meet actual costs to reimburse county superintendents of schools for expenses incurred in providing emergency education to pupils and making financial grants to school districts pursuant to Section 1602, to reimburse county superintendents of schools for the actual and necessary travel expenses incurred in connection with cooperative county publication projects by the county superintendent of schools or members of his or her staff, and to reimburse county superintendents of schools for expenses incurred in making emergency financial grants to school districts. (c) The amount credited, pursuant to this section, in each fiscal year to the county school service fund contingency account in the General Fund shall be reduced by the amount of the balance remaining to the account on June 30 of the preceding fiscal year and an equal reduction shall be made in the amount of the reduction in the amounts required or authorized to be transferred under Section 14002 in accordance with this section.