SECTION 11600-11609
11600. This act shall be known and may be cited as the Education Technology Grant Program Act of 1996. 11601. The State Allocation Board and the State Department of Education are hereby authorized and empowered to make the allocations described in Section 2 of the act adding this section. 11602. (a) The Education Technology Trust Fund is hereby created in the State Treasury for the purposes of this chapter. Only those moneys identified in Section 2 of the act adding this section and in Section 18 of Assembly Bill 1302 of the 1995-96 Regular Session of the Legislature shall be deposited into the fund for the purposes of this chapter and, upon appropriation by the Legislature, shall be available to fund grants authorized by the State Allocation Board and State Board of Education, as appropriate. (b) Of the total sum of moneys appropriated from the fund by the act adding this section and by Assembly Bill 1302 of the 1995-96 Regular Session of the Legislature, 1 percent shall be allocated for administrative costs of the Office of Public School Construction and the State Department of Education, combined, for administering technology implementation grants and staff development technology grants. 11603. (a) The State Allocation Board shall award technology implementation grants and the Office of Public School Construction, as staff to the State Allocation Board, shall administer the grant program to school districts maintaining kindergarten and grades 1 to 12, inclusive, and to county offices of education that operate community schools, in accordance with this chapter. The State Allocation Board may adopt rules and regulations as necessary for the administration and implementation of this chapter. (b) Of the total sum of moneys appropriated from the Education Technology Trust Fund by the act adding this section and Assembly Bill 1302 of the 1995-96 Regular Session of the Legislature, 34 percent shall be allocated to school districts having pupils enrolled in grades 9 to 12, inclusive. (c) Of the total sum of moneys appropriated from the Education Technology Trust Fund by the act adding this section and Assembly Bill 1302 of the 1995-96 Regular Session of the Legislature, 50 percent shall be allocated to school districts having pupils enrolled in kindergarten and grades 1 to 8, inclusive, and to county offices of education. (d) To ensure that the greatest use of the technology implementation grant funds is derived by the pupils enrolled in public schools, not less than 90 percent of the grant amount shall be expended for the actual wiring of and between classrooms, school auditoriums, school libraries, and conference rooms, or the purchase of hardware and software necessary to utilize telecommunications and information services for instructional purposes, or any of the above. 11603.1. (a) The State Allocation Board, in consultation with the State Department of Education, shall develop a formula for the allocation of technology implementation grants to applicant school districts and county offices of education. The formula shall include a minimum base funding per schoolsite and additional funding based on the number of pupils enrolled at each schoolsite. The State Allocation Board shall allocate funds to districts and county offices of education whose applications contain all of the following information: (1) The number of students enrolled at each schoolsite in the district. (2) A description of the extent to which parents, teachers, and the community were involved in preparing the district's technology plan. (3) A description of the instructional uses and benefits that will occur as a result of using technology in the instructional program. (4) A method of evaluating the benefits derived from using technology in the instructional program. (5) A description of access to the Internet by pupils. (6) A timeline for implementing the technology plan. (7) An estimate of the total project costs, including a description of the amount to be paid by the technology implementation grant and the amount to be paid by the school district or county office of education. (8) The extent to which schools in the school district have acquired technology tools and telecommunications infrastructure through other sources. (b) The State Allocation Board and the State Department of Education shall give first priority for funding to those schools and school districts that have minimal or no telecommunications infrastructure or communications systems. Schools without need shall not be funded. 11603.2. The State Allocation Board shall allocate technology implementation grants to eligible school districts and county offices of education for the following purposes: (a) The wiring of and between classrooms, school auditoriums, school libraries, and conference rooms at a schoolsite in accordance with guidelines established by the State Allocation Board and State Department of Education. (b) The purchase of hardware and software necessary to utilize telecommunications and information services for instructional purposes. 11603.3. Funds for technology implementation grants shall be provided on a matching basis that requires the applicant school district or county office of education to contribute at least 50 percent of the cost of the technology implementation plan submitted to the State Allocation Board pursuant to Section 11603.1. An applicant district or county office of education may count toward its local matching share, in-kind services such as teacher labor, the fair market value of donated equipment raised from local sources, or other services outlined in the plan. The State Allocation Board may waive all or a portion of this local matching requirement if the State Department of Education determines that the requirement would impose a financial hardship on the applicant district. The State Department of Education shall base its determination of financial hardship on factors including, but not necessarily limited to, all of the following: (a) Whether the objectives and cost of the school district's or county office of education's proposed technology implementation plan are reasonable. (b) The overall financial condition of the school district or county office of education, including other competing demands for funds. (c) The extent to which the school district or county office of education has taken advantage of available funding sources, including the per-pupil block grant funds appropriated by Section 54 of Chapter 308 of the Statutes of 1995, that may be used for educational technology purposes. (d) The extent to which the school district or the county office of education has made reasonable efforts to raise additional cash or in-kind donations from local sources. 11605. (a) School districts and county offices of education are eligible to receive staff development technology grants for providing staff development in using data, video, and voice telecommunications networks for education purposes. The State Board of Education shall award the staff development technology grants and the State Department of Education shall administer the staff development technology grants. The State Board of Education shall give priority to applications of school districts and county offices of education that contribute 50 percent of the proposed project costs. (b) This section shall remain in effect only until the earlier of the date upon which all funds deposited in the Education Technology Trust Fund, pursuant to the act adding this section and pursuant to Assembly Bill 1519 of the 1995-96 Regular Session, are expended or five years from the date on which the act adding this section becomes effective. 11608. No funding shall be provided to a community schoolsite that is not owned by the county office of education except for the purchase or lease of computer hardware or the acquisition of computer software. 11609. This chapter shall remain in effect only until the earlier of the date upon which all funds deposited in the Education Technology Trust Fund, pursuant to the act adding this chapter and Assembly Bill 1302 of the 1995-96 Regular Session of the Legislature, are expended or five years from the date on which the act adding this chapter becomes effective.