
SECTION 429.30

429.30.  (a) As used in this section:
   (1) "Complaint" includes a cross-complaint.
   (2) "Plaintiff" includes the person filing a cross-complaint.
   (b) If the complaint contains a demand for relief on account of
the alleged infringement of the plaintiff's rights in and to a
literary, artistic, or intellectual production, there shall be
attached to the complaint a copy of the production as to which the
infringement is claimed and a copy of the alleged infringing
production. If, by reason of bulk or the nature of the production, it
is not practicable to attach a copy to the complaint, that fact and
the reasons why it is impracticable to attach a copy of the
production to the complaint shall be alleged; and the court, in
connection with any demurrer, motion, or other proceedings in the
cause in which a knowledge of the contents of such production may be
necessary or desirable, shall make such order for a view of the
production not attached as will suit the convenience of the court to
the end that the contents of such production may be deemed to be a
part of the complaint to the same extent and with the same force as
though such production had been capable of being and had been
attached to the complaint. The attachment of any such production in
accordance with the provisions of this section shall not be deemed a
making public of the production within the meaning of Section 983 of
the Civil Code.