
SECTION 3680-3681

3680.  The committee shall establish the amount of the fee assessed
to conduct activities of the committee, including the amount of fees
for applicant licensure, licensure examination, licensure renewal,
late renewal, and childbirth certification.

3681.  (a) All fees collected by the committee shall be paid into
the State Treasury and shall be credited to the Naturopathic Doctor's
Fund which is hereby created in the State Treasury. The money in the
fund shall be available to the committee for expenditure for the
purposes of this chapter only upon appropriation by the Legislature.
   (b) Notwithstanding subdivision (a), all money other than revenue
described in Section 207 received and credited to the Naturopathic
Doctor's Fund in the 2003-04 fiscal year is hereby appropriated to
the committee for the purpose of implementing this chapter.