
SECTION 19120-19132

19120.  The enforcement of all sanitization regulations pertaining
to any article subject to this chapter is vested in the bureau. The
bureau shall consult with the State Department of Health Services on
any changes to the sanitization requirements.

19121.  Filthy or soiled articles of new or used bedding cannot be
sold, offered or exposed for sale unless the fabric covering them is
either properly cleaned or replaced by a new covering and then
subjected to sanitization as provided for in this chapter.

19122.  A person shall not engage in the business of sanitizing any
article of bedding or filling material, provided for in this chapter,
without first having his or her sanitization equipment tested and
approved by the bureau.

19122.5.  Periodic tests and inspections shall be made by an
authorized representative of the bureau, to determine whether or not
the equipment and procedures used, comply with the requirements of
the sanitization regulations.

19123.  The provisions of this article apply only to persons subject
to the license provisions of this chapter.

19123.4.  Newly manufactured articles of bedding that contain any
secondhand filling material shall be sanitized before they are
offered or exposed for sale.

19123.5.  Every article of bedding and all filling material,
repaired or renovated for resale or repaired or renovated for an
owner but subsequently offered for sale shall be sanitized before
being offered or exposed for sale.

19123.6.  Every article of bedding to which any secondhand material
has been added in the process of repairing, shall be sanitized in
accordance with the provisions of the sanitization regulations.

19124.  Every person who receives for sanitization any bedding
filling material shall sanitize all those articles and material in
accordance with the sanitization regulations.

19124.5.  Every person who sanitizes any bedding or filling material
shall affix a sanitization label to the article or material in the
manner prescribed by the bureau.

19127.  The form, size and color of sanitization labels, and the
material of which they are made shall be approved by the chief and as
provided in the Label Regulations.

19127.5.  Sanitization labels shall be sold only to sanitizers
licensed under this chapter. Illegal possession of any sanitization
label is a violation of this chapter. Void or mutilated labels shall
be returned to the bureau.

19127.6.  The sanitizer shall keep a record of all data and show the
disposition of every label as required in the sanitization
regulations. The records shall be accessible at all reasonable times
to the chief and the inspectors.

19129.  Secondhand or used bedding and any secondhand or used
article that can be used for sleeping purposes shall be sanitized
under the provisions of this chapter before being sold.

19131.  Every article of bedding from any private or public
hospital, jail or other institution, or which has been used by any
person, suffering from an infectious or contagious disease, shall be
sanitized before it is repaired or renovated.

19132.  New or sanitized articles of bedding or materials shall at
all times be kept separate from any secondhand or used articles or
materials that are unsanitized.