SECTION 18750-18758
18750. No person shall appear as a contestant in any amateur boxing contest who has received any compensation or reward, except for actual expenses or trophies, in any form, for displaying, exercising, or giving any example of his or her skill in knowledge of boxing exercises, or for rendering services of any kind to any boxing organization, or to any person or persons as trainer, coach, instructor or otherwise, or who shall have been employed in any manner professionally by reason of his or her boxing skill or knowledge. 18751. Except as provided in Section 18752, only an award may be given to each contestant in any amateur boxing contest which does not exceed the sum of five hundred dollars ($500). No portion of an admission fee or fees charged or received for any boxing contest shall be paid or given, either directly or indirectly, to any contestant in an amateur boxing contest. 18752. Unless the written permission of the commission is first obtained, it is a misdemeanor for any promoter to pay or cause to be paid to any coach, trainer, or manager of any amateur boxer participating in a contest, any sum of money other than the actual traveling and per diem expenses incurred by such coach, trainer, or manager and amateur boxer in traveling to and from their respective residences to the boxing contest in an amount to be determined by the commission. 18755. No contestant in an amateur boxing contest shall use any bandage on his or her hand or arm except soft surgical bandages not over two inches wide and ten yards in length for each hand, and one winding of surgeon's adhesive tape not over 1 1/2 inches wide placed directly on the hand to protect that part of the hand near the wrist. This may cross the back of the hand twice, but not extend within one inch of the knuckles. 18756. No amateur boxing contest shall be more than four rounds of not more than two minutes each, or three rounds of three minutes each, in length. There shall be one minute rest between rounds. 18757. At every amateur boxing contest, any representative of the commission shall stop the contest whenever it appears that the contestants are unevenly matched, either of them has been seriously injured, or that there is danger that either of them will be seriously injured if the contest continues. The person may call to his or her assistance in enforcing an order to stop the contest, as many peace officers or able-bodied citizens of the state as may be necessary. 18758. No amateur boxing contest shall be held in conjunction with vaudeville shows, dances, or entertainments of any sort.