§ 8-7-904 - Advisory committee.

8-7-904. Advisory committee.

(a) (1) There is established an Advisory Committee on Petroleum Storage Tanks to be composed of the following members:

(A) A representative from the property and casualty segment of the insurance industry;

(B) A representative from a company that is a refiner and also has service stations or other motor fuel retail outlets in the state;

(C) A representative from a company that is a jobber or wholesaler of petroleum products in the state;

(D) An independent retail service station dealer;

(E) The State Fire Marshal or his designee;

(F) A representative from a company that installs or repairs petroleum storage tanks; and

(G) A representative from a company that has one (1) or more employees with knowledge and expertise regarding environmental protection and management matters.

(2) The Governor shall appoint the members of the advisory committee:

(A) The member appointed under subdivision (a)(1)(B) of this section shall be from a list of three (3) names submitted by the Arkansas Petroleum Council;

(B) The member appointed under subdivision (a)(1)(C) of this section shall be from a list of three (3) names submitted by the Arkansas Oil Marketers Association;

(C) The member appointed under subdivision (a)(1)(D) of this section shall be from a list of three (3) names submitted by the Service Station Dealers of Arkansas; and

(D) The member appointed under subdivision (a)(1)(G) of this section shall be from a list of three (3) names submitted by the Arkansas Environmental Federation.

(3) Each member of the committee shall serve a four-year term and until a successor has been appointed.

(4) Any vacancies shall be filled by the Governor to serve the remainder of the term.

(b) Committee members shall serve without compensation but may receive expense reimbursement and stipends in accordance with 25-16-901 et seq.

(c) The committee shall select a member to serve as chairman each year.

(d) The committee shall meet as necessary to carry out its duties under this subchapter and at the call of the chair.

(e) The Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality shall provide adequate staff to support the activities of the committee.

(f) The committee shall adopt all rules and regulations necessary to conduct its business.

(g) The committee shall advise and make recommendations to the Director of the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality regarding claims for payment under this subchapter.

(h) The committee shall advise the department and the Arkansas Pollution Control and Ecology Commission regarding promulgation of rules and regulations concerning storage tanks.

(i) No member of the committee shall participate in any decision on any claim in which the firm or organization by which that member is employed or in which that member has a direct or indirect financial interest is involved.