§ 6-82-1612 - Arkansas Workforce Improvement Grant Advisory Committee.
6-82-1612. Arkansas Workforce Improvement Grant Advisory Committee.
(a) There is created the Arkansas Workforce Improvement Grant Advisory Committee.
(b) The committee shall consist of eight (8) members to be appointed by the Director of the Department of Higher Education as follows:
(1) Three (3) members who are representative of public or private two-year educational institutions;
(2) Three (3) members who are representative of public or private four-year educational institutions;
(3) The Executive Director of the Arkansas Association of Two-Year Colleges or his or her designee; and
(4) The President of the Arkansas Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators.
(c) (1) The committee members shall initially be appointed for staggered terms so that the terms of one (1) member from a two-year institution and one (1) member of a four-year institution expire each year for a period of three (3) years.
(2) Thereafter, each member shall be appointed to serve a term of three (3) years.
(d) Vacancies on the committee shall be filled by appointment of the director to serve out the remainder of the term of the vacated position.
(e) A member of the committee shall not be entitled to compensation for his or her services and shall not receive expense reimbursement except from the institution employing the member.
(f) The Department of Higher Education shall provide necessary staff to assist the committee with the range and diversity of its charge.
(g) (1) The committee shall hold its first meeting within thirty (30) days after its appointment to organize as necessary to carry out its purposes as prescribed by this subchapter.
(2) The director shall designate a person on the committee to call and preside at the first meeting.
(h) Four (4) of the members of the committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
(i) The committee shall select by majority vote one (1) of its members to serve as chair and one (1) to serve as vice chair.
(j) (1) The committee shall meet as necessary to carry out the duties of the committee.
(2) Meetings may be called by the chair or as provided by the rules of the committee.
(k) The committee shall provide advice to the department concerning the development of rules and regulations for the operation and administration of the Arkansas Workforce Improvement Grant Program.