§ 6-63-305 - New or additional positions.
6-63-305. New or additional positions.
(a) (1) In the event that additional federal funds, grants, gifts, or collections become available that were not authorized or contemplated at the time of the passage of the fiscal year appropriation act for operations for each institution enumerated in subsection (b) of this section, that such new funds make it possible for the recipient institution to engage in educational projects that would be of benefit to the State of Arkansas, and that such projects would make it necessary to employ additional personnel, the president of the recipient institution may establish the positions if:
(A) A request for a specific nonclassified position, title, and salary has been requested by the institution of higher education, approved by the institution's board of trustees, recommended by the Department of Higher Education, and reported to the Legislative Council; or
(B) A request for a specific classified position will be assigned only after a specific position, title, and grade are requested by the institution of higher education, approved by the institution's board of trustees, recommended by the Office of Personnel Management, and reported to the Legislative Council; and
(C) The salary rates for these positions do not exceed the highest maximum annual salary rate or the highest grade level for any position authorized in the regular salary section of the requesting institution's appropriation act for operations, under the Uniform Classification and Compensation Act, 21-5-201 et seq., or its successor.
(2) The number of additional positions shall not exceed the maximum number of positions authorized for the institution in the appropriation act for operations.
(3) The source of funding for positions established under this subsection (a) shall be reported to the office and the Legislative Council by the institution at the time of the request.
(4) Determining the number of persons to be employed by a state agency is the prerogative of the General Assembly and is usually accomplished by delineating the maximum number of persons by identifying the job titles and the maximum grades or salaries attached to them. The General Assembly has determined that the institutions of higher education could be operated more efficiently if some flexibility were given to the institutions. That flexibility is being accomplished by providing new or additional positions in subsection (b) of this section, and since the General Assembly has granted the institutions broad powers under the new or additional position concept, it is both necessary and appropriate that the General Assembly maintain oversight of the utilization of the new or additional positions by requiring prior approval of the Legislative Council in the utilization of the new or additional positions. Therefore, the requirement of approval by the Legislative Council is not a severable part of this section. If the requirement of approval by the Legislative Council is ruled unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, this entire section is void.
(b) The following maximum number of new additional positions is established for the biennium for the following institutions of higher education at salary rates not to exceed the salary rate or the highest grade level position of comparable positions established in the regular salaries section of the appropriations act for operations for each institution: Click here to view image.
(c) The positions established under this subchapter shall expire at the end of the fiscal year in which they are established.
(d) Each institution shall include in its annual budget request presented to the Legislative Council a request to continue any position authorized under this subchapter.