§ 6-51-801 - Criteria for centers.

6-51-801. Criteria for centers.

(a) The State Board of Workforce Education and Career Opportunities shall establish criteria that must be met by any secondary vocational center requesting permission to become a community-based education center.

(b) The board shall periodically review and revise, if necessary, the community-based education center criteria. Such centers may include offerings of traditional vocational-technical education during regular school hours, extended day programs so that students may attend the center for vocational instruction after regular school hours, adult basic education or general adult education programs, adult skill training and retraining for the general population, industry start-up and retraining, and workplace literacy.

(c) Any secondary vocational center which satisfies the criteria established by the board pursuant to this section may, in accordance with procedures to be adopted by the board, seek approval from the board to become a community-based education center. Upon approval by the board of any such application, the school may change its name to ____________________ Community-Based Education Center.

(d) The secondary area vocational centers which elect to provide enhanced education and training employment or retraining services appropriate to area industry and business needs may request from the board that they be designated as community-based education centers.