§ 6-51-501 - Establishment.

6-51-501. Establishment.

(a) There is established a program where state-supported technical institutes offering courses of training in the building trades may, in connection with these courses of training:

(1) Acquire lots and construct thereon single family dwelling units in connection with the course of training in the building trades;

(2) Sell such dwelling units and lots; and

(3) Deposit the funds derived therefrom in a Building Trades Revolving Fund, which is created for that purpose.

(b) Riverside Vocational and Technical School may only construct non-dwelling unit building projects for state agencies or for private, nonprofit organizations, but not for the general public, in connection with the course of training in the building trades.

(c) (1) As used in this subchapter, "secondary area technical center" means a secondary area vocational center established under 6-13-801 et seq. or as defined by the Department of Career Education.

(2) A secondary area technical center is authorized to construct single family dwelling units in connection with a course of training in the building trades.

(3) This subsection (c) does not authorize the purchase of land by a secondary area technical center.