§ 6-51-204 - Public school or community branches -- Special instruction.

6-51-204. Public school or community branches -- Special instruction.

In addition to the authority of the State Board of Workforce Education and Career Opportunities to establish area vocational-technical and adult education schools as authorized in 6-51-201 -- 6-51-203, 6-51-205, 6-51-207, 6-51-208(a)-(c), 6-51-209, and 6-51-210, and laws amendatory thereto, the board is authorized, whenever funds are available, to establish branches of those area vocational-technical schools or to offer special vocational-technical instruction at public schools or in other facilities in communities in the area of the respective vocational-technical schools, as the board may determine is in the interest of the area and whenever sufficient demand may exist.