§ 6-42-304 - Board of Visitors -- Purposes.
6-42-304. Board of Visitors -- Purposes.
(a) (1) (A) The general purpose of the Board of Visitors for the Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences, and the Arts is to perform a supporting and advising role with regard to the operation of the Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences, and the Arts.
(B) The board of visitors may recommend implementation and establishment of policies consistent with policies of the Board of Trustees of the University of Arkansas.
(C) The board of visitors shall serve as a liaison between the school, parents, and other constituents, the President of the University of Arkansas, and the board of trustees.
(D) Because the board of trustees and the president may delegate broad administrative responsibilities to the Administrator of the Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences, and the Arts consistent with policies established or approved by the board of trustees, the board of visitors will have the opportunity to give meaningful advice and recommendations to further the development and operation of the school.
(2) The board of visitors shall:
(A) Assist in securing financial support for the school;
(B) Advise the administrator of the school and the president and the board of trustees regarding the educational, service, and financial needs of the school;
(C) Aid in the orderly transition of the school as it becomes a campus of the University of Arkansas;
(D) Accept and execute specific assignments made by the board of trustees and the president;
(E) Keep informed on those matters that are necessary to promote the educational aims of the school for the benefit of the students;
(F) Study in detail the reports and issues placed before it by the board of trustees; and
(G) Promote in diverse ways the growth and development in excellence of the school and the University of Arkansas in general.
(3) The board of visitors shall have oversight coordination as specifically assigned by the board of trustees, which may include oversight responsibility with respect to the school's operating budget, internal governance, and methods of operations.
(4) Communications, including advice and recommendations, from the board of visitors shall be transmitted through the administrator of the school and by him or her through the president to the board of trustees.
(b) The school shall be funded by moneys appropriated by the General Assembly for the operation of the school and by grants, contributions, or donations that may be received for the support of the school.
(c) Students selected to attend the school shall not be required to pay tuition, fees, or room and board.
(d) Any student who is a senior at the school shall have the option of participating in activities and events with and in the same manner as other members of the graduating class in his or her home school district, including, but not limited to, the following:
(1) The prom or banquet;
(2) Class Day activities;
(3) Graduation activities;
(4) Recognition as a honor graduate except as valedictorian or salutatorian; and
(5) Class pictures, including yearbook and composite pictures.