§ 6-41-304 - School districts -- Procedures for participation in program.
6-41-304. School districts -- Procedures for participation in program.
(a) (1) All school districts in the state are eligible to make application for service and payment under this subchapter.
(2) A school district desiring to operate a special education program and planning to participate under the provisions of this subchapter will be allowed to make application with the State Board of Education on prescribed forms at a date prior to the opening of school.
(3) The approved application for a school district will serve as a contract between the school district and the board to supply the approved funds.
(4) There may be no mingling of these state funds with federal funds unless specifically provided for in the application.
(5) If for any reason the number of approved applications exceeds the available funds, the proration of funds to the school districts will be the responsibility and the authority of the state board.
(6) Payment for home or bedside instruction will be distributed according to rules and regulations established by the state board.
(b) In any school district where properly interested persons, agencies, parents, or guardians of five (5) or more of any one (1) type of exceptional child petition the school district school board of education for a special class, it shall be the duty of the school authorities to request the state board to cooperate in the establishment of such a class under the rules and regulations established for this purpose by the state board.