§ 6-23-303 - Authorization for an open-enrollment public charter school.

6-23-303. Authorization for an open-enrollment public charter school.

As requested by the applicant for an open-enrollment public charter school, the State Board of Education shall review the application for an open-enrollment public charter school and may approve any application that:

(1) Provides a plan for academic achievement that addresses how the open-enrollment public charter school proposes to improve student learning and meet the state education goals;

(2) Includes a set of performance criteria that will be used during the initial five-year period of the open-enrollment public charter school's operation to measure its progress in meeting its academic performance goals;

(3) Includes a proposal to directly and substantially involve the parents of students to be enrolled in the open-enrollment public charter school, the certified employees, and the broader community in carrying out the terms of the open-enrollment charter;

(4) Includes an agreement to provide an annual report to parents, the community, and the state board that demonstrates the progress made by the open-enrollment public charter school during the previous academic year in meeting its academic performance objectives;

(5) Includes a detailed budget, a business plan, and a governance plan for the operation of the open-enrollment public charter school; and

(6) Establishes the eligible entity's status as a tax-exempt organization under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 prior to the first day of its operation with students.