§ 6-20-603 - Continued support of isolated school districts.

6-20-603. Continued support of isolated school districts.

(a) Upon the effective date of consolidation, annexation, or reorganization, the following school districts that received isolated funding in the 2003-2004 school year shall become isolated school areas for the sole purpose of receiving isolated funding and shall have a per student isolated funding amount as follows: Click here to view image.

(b) Each school year, state financial aid in the form of isolated funding shall be provided to school districts containing an isolated school area in an amount equal to the prior year's three-quarter average daily membership of the isolated school area multiplied by the per student isolated funding amount for the isolated school areas as set forth under column "C" of subsection (a) of this section.

(c) A school district may not receive isolated funding under this section for an isolated school area if the prior year's three-quarter average daily membership of the isolated school area exceeds three hundred fifty (350).

(d) A school district receiving isolated funding for an isolated school area shall expend the funds solely for the operation, maintenance, and support of the isolated school area.

(e) A school district or isolated school area that may qualify under other law to receive additional state aid because its average daily membership is less than three hundred fifty (350) shall not be eligible to receive funding under this section except that a district qualifying under other law for such aid and qualifying for funds under this section may elect to receive funds under this section in lieu of aid under the other law.

(f) For the purposes of this section, school districts with isolated school areas shall account for the average daily membership of all schools located in the isolated school area as required by the Department of Education and shall submit reports as required by the department.

(g) The department shall distribute isolated funding under this section in two (2) payments per school year.

(h) This section does not determine a school district's qualification as an isolated school district under 6-20-601 as required to prohibit the closing of an isolated school in 6-20-602.

(i) (1) Except as provided under 6-20-604(g), a school district eligible to receive isolated funding under this section shall continue to receive partial funding even if all or part of an isolated school is closed.

(2) If all or part of an isolated school in a school district is closed, the school district shall receive funding based on the prior year's three-quarter average daily membership of the isolated school or the part of the isolated school that remains open.

(j) The State Board of Education may promulgate rules as necessary for the proper implementation of this section.