§ 6-20-2608 - Sale of bonds.

6-20-2608. Sale of bonds.

(a) The bonds may be sold:

(1) Either at public or private sale in a manner and upon such terms as the Commission for Arkansas Public School Academic Facilities and Transportation determines to be reasonable and expedient for the purposes for which the commission was created; and

(2) At the price the commission determines acceptable, including sale at a discount.

(b) The commission may employ administrative agents, fiscal agents, underwriters, architects, accountants, engineers, and legal counsel and may pay them reasonable compensation from the proceeds of the bonds.

(c) The fees of any trustee or paying agent as well as the costs of publication of notices and of printing of the bonds, official statements, and other documents relating to the sale of the bonds, the fees of any rating agency, and other reasonable costs of issuing and selling the bonds incurred by the commission may be paid from the proceeds of the bonds.