§ 6-20-2515 - Review conferences.

6-20-2515. Review conferences.

(a) After February 1, 2008, a district may request and be granted by the Division of Public School Academic Facilities and Transportation a review conference that shall be held within twenty (20) working days after the date of request.

(b) The district may be advised through the review conference process by an architectural and engineering firm if the school district pays the cost for the advice from the architectural and engineering firm.

(c) The review conference shall consider the following:

(1) That the proposed project is academic;

(2) The application of the space calculation to the project agreed upon by the district and the division;

(3) The wealth index of the district and the date at which the wealth index will be applied to the partnership project if approved;

(4) The project cost promulgated by the Commission for Arkansas Public School Academic Facilities and Transportation under 6-20-2509 for the project and the date on which the project cost data will be applied to the partnership project if approved; and

(5) A projected amount of state funding based on current application of the wealth index and the project cost promulgated by the commission under 6-20-2509 to the planned project for planning purposes to allow a projection of local funding share required.

(d) The division shall make a record of the findings of the review conference.