§ 6-20-1909 - Department fiscal distress actions.

6-20-1909. Department fiscal distress actions.

(a) In addressing school districts in fiscal distress, the Department of Education may:

(1) Require the superintendent to relinquish all administrative authority with respect to the school district;

(2) Appoint an individual in place of the superintendent to administratively operate the school district under the supervision and approval of the Commissioner of Education and to compensate nondepartment agents operating the school district from school district funding;

(3) Call for the temporary suspension of the local school board of directors;

(4) Require the school district to operate without a local school board of directors under the supervision of the local superintendent or an individual or panel appointed by the commissioner;

(5) Place the administration of the school district over to the former board of directors or to a newly elected school board of directors; or

(6) Take any other action allowed by law that is deemed necessary to assist a school district in removing criteria of fiscal distress.

(b) The department may impose various reporting requirements on the school district.

(c) The department shall monitor the fiscal operations and accounts of the school district.

(d) The department shall require school district staff and employees to obtain fiscal instruction or training in areas of fiscal concern for the school district.