§ 6-18-307 - Transfer from one school district to adjoining school district.

6-18-307. Transfer from one school district to adjoining school district.

(a) (1) The parent or guardian of any child or ward whose place of residence is at least fifteen (15) miles from the school in the resident district and whose place of residence is within seven (7) miles of a school in an adjoining district may petition the board of directors of the resident district for a transfer to the adjoining district if the adjoining district has agreed in writing to accept transfer of the child. The minimum distances prescribed by this subsection (a) shall be computed using highways that could reasonably and safely be traversed by school buses. A copy of such written agreement by the receiving district shall be filed with any such petition.

(2) If the parents or guardians of several children in a particular area meet the requirements prescribed in this subsection (a), the parents or guardians may jointly petition the board of directors of the resident district for transfer of their children or wards to the adjoining district.

(b) (1) When any individual or joint petition as authorized in subsection (a) of this section is filed with the board of directors of any school district, the board of directors shall within thirty (30) days after the date of the filing of the petition either grant or deny the transfer.

(2) If the board of directors denies the petition, the petitioners may appeal to the State Board of Education.

(3) Within forty-five (45) days after the appeal to the state board, the state board shall either grant or deny the transfer.

(4) The ruling of the state board shall be the final administrative ruling on the petition.

(c) The transfer of any child or children from one district to another as permitted in this section shall constitute a transfer of the legal responsibility for the education of the child or children to the receiving district, and the child or children shall be included in the average daily membership of the receiving district for state aid purposes.