§ 6-18-1707 - Informational document.

6-18-1707. Informational document.

International student exchange visitor placement organizations that provide services to place students in this state shall provide prior to arrival to each student, host family, and school principal of the school in which the student is being placed an informational document in English that shall include the following:

(1) An explanation of the services to be performed by the organization for the student, host family, and school district, which shall include:

(A) The name, address, and telephone number of the local representative of the placement organization and the local representative's immediate superior; and

(B) The responsibilities and duties of the local representative of the placement organization and the local representative's immediate superior;

(2) A copy of this subchapter; and

(3) (A) Telephone numbers and email addresses that the student, host family, and school district may use for assistance, which shall include the telephone numbers and email addresses of the following organizations:

(i) The United States Department of State; and

(ii) The Council on Standards for International Educational Travel.

(B) The telephone numbers shall include, at a minimum, a telephone number for the organization and the telephone numbers of the organization's national headquarters if any.