§ 6-18-1408 - Local advisory councils.

6-18-1408. Local advisory councils.

(a) Each family resource center shall have a local advisory council that has a central role in designing and delivering services.

(b) Members of the local advisory council shall be representative of the diversity of the students in the priority elementary school that is served.

(c) (1) Except for the initial chair, the members shall determine annually and by majority vote who shall serve as chair.

(2) The superintendent of the priority elementary school shall appoint the initial chair for the purpose of calling the first organizational meeting.

(3) The initial chair shall call an organizational meeting no less than thirty (30) days after all of the members are appointed.

(d) (1) The local advisory council shall meet at such times and places that the chair deems necessary, but no meetings shall be held outside of the county where the priority elementary school is located.

(2) A quorum is not required for the local advisory council to transact business.

(3) All actions of the local advisory council shall be by a majority vote of all members who are present.

(e) The local school district shall provide meeting facilities for the local advisory council.