§ 6-18-103 - Selective service registration.

6-18-103. Selective service registration.

(a) (1) Each local school district and each adult education program shall provide a registration form at least thirty (30) days before the student's eighteenth birthday to any student who is enrolled in the district or the adult education program and who is required to register with the selective service system in accordance with the Military Selective Service Act, 50 U.S.C. Appx. 451 et seq.

(2) The district and adult education program shall further provide appropriate instructions for returning completed registration forms to selective service personnel.

(b) The superintendent of the local school district and the director of the adult education program shall designate a staff person in each high school and at the adult education program site to distribute selective service registration forms to students as provided in subsection (a) of this section.

(c) The Department of Education shall issue rules and regulations to ensure compliance with the provisions of this section.