§ 6-17-411 - Criminal records check as a condition for initial employment of licensed personnel.
6-17-411. Criminal records check as a condition for initial employment of licensed personnel.
(a) (1) (A) Except as provided in subdivision (a)(1)(B) of this section, the board of directors of a local school district shall require as a condition for initial employment by the school district that any person holding a license issued by the State Board of Education and making application for employment authorize release to the Department of Education the results of:
(i) Statewide and nationwide criminal records checks by the Identification Bureau of the Department of Arkansas State Police, which conform to the applicable federal standards and include the taking of the applicant's fingerprints; and
(ii) The Child Maltreatment Central Registry check by the Department of Human Services.
(B) (i) The board of directors of a local school district created by consolidation, annexation, or detachment may waive the requirements under subdivision (a)(1)(A) of this section for personnel who were employed by the affected district immediately prior to the annexation, consolidation, or detachment and who had a complete criminal background check conducted as a condition of the person's most recent employment with the affected district as required under this section.
(ii) As used in this section, "affected district" means a school district that loses territory or students as a result of annexation, consolidation, or detachment.
(2) Unless the employing school district's board of directors has taken action to pay for the cost of criminal background checks or the Child Maltreatment Central Registry checks required by this section, the employment applicant shall be responsible for the payment of any fee associated with the criminal records check and the Child Maltreatment Central Registry check.
(3) At the conclusion of the criminal records check required by this section, the Identification Bureau of the Department of Arkansas State Police may maintain the fingerprints in the automated fingerprint identification system.
(4) (A) Any information received by the Department of Education from the Identification Bureau of the Department of Arkansas State Police or the Department of Human Services pursuant to this section shall not be available for examination except by the affected applicant for employment or his or her duly authorized representative, and no record, file, or document shall be removed from the custody of the Department of Education.
(B) Any information made available to the affected applicant for employment shall be information pertaining to that applicant only.
(C) Rights of privilege and confidentiality established under this section shall not extend to any document created for purposes other than this background check.
(5) The Department of Education shall promptly inform the board of directors of the local school district whether or not the affected applicant is eligible for employment as provided by subsection (b) of this section.
(b) (1) (A) No person holding a license from the state board shall be eligible for employment by a local school district if the results of the criminal records check released to the Department of Education by the applicant reveal that the applicant has pleaded guilty or nolo contendere to or has been found guilty of any offense that will or may result in license revocation by the state board under 6-17-410.
(B) No person holding a license issued by the state board shall be eligible for employment by a local school district if the results of the Child Maltreatment Central Registry check released to the Department of Education reveal that the applicant has a true report in the Child Maltreatment Central Registry.
(2) However, the board of directors of a local school district is authorized to offer provisional employment to the affected applicant pending receipt of eligibility information from the Department of Education.