§ 6-16-702 - Authority -- Fees.
6-16-702. Authority -- Fees.
(a) (1) Public schools are hereby authorized to operate optional school programs during the summer or at other times when the regular school classes are not in session and to charge fees to students for participating in the programs.
(2) If credit is given for the courses taken in the optional programs:
(A) The teachers shall meet certification requirements for the courses taught; and
(B) The number of hours that classes are in session shall meet the same requirements as are in effect for the same courses taught in the regular term.
(b) (1) In school districts that operate optional school programs during the summer and in districts where space is available, no fee shall be charged a student who qualifies for free or reduced-price meals and whose enrollment in an academic course is made for the purpose of remediating a deficiency in grades when the student has made a D or an F in an academic course.
(2) Other courses offered in summer school for academic credit may be taken without fees being charged, as space is available, by students who qualify for free or reduced-price meals.