§ 6-13-1406 - Board of directors -- Term -- Election.
6-13-1406. Board of directors -- Term -- Election.
(a) (1) (A) Unless the board of directors of the affected district or districts and the board of directors of the receiving district or districts agree otherwise, the board of directors of the receiving district or districts after annexation shall be the same board of directors of the receiving district prior to annexation until the next regular school election.
(B) (i) In lieu of electing a new board of directors at the next regular school election, the board of directors of the affected district or districts and the board of directors of the receiving district may agree to form an interim board of directors whose members shall serve until the regular school election in the year following the effective date of the annexation.
(ii) (a) If an interim board of directors is formed to serve until the school election in the year following the effective date of the annexation, the interim board of directors shall be composed of the members of the board of directors of the receiving district and at least one (1) member selected by the board of directors of each affected district.
(b) Each member selected from the affected district shall be determined by a vote of the affected board of directors. In the case of a tie vote, the member shall be selected by drawing lots.
(2) The boards of directors of the affected districts may by agreement establish a new board of directors other than the current board of directors of the receiving district composed of not fewer than five (5) nor more than seven (7) directors except for those school districts allowed to do otherwise pursuant to 6-13-604.
(3) The board of directors of the receiving district created by agreement shall be elected from single-member zones of substantially equal population based upon the most recent census information and from which racial minorities may be represented on the board of directors in proportions reflected in the school district as a whole.
(b) (1) Unless the boards of directors of the affected districts agree otherwise, the board of directors of the resulting district after consolidation shall be composed of seven (7) members until the next regular school election.
(2) The boards of directors of the affected districts may by agreement establish a board of directors of the resulting district composed of not fewer than five (5) nor more than seven (7) directors except for those school districts allowed to do otherwise pursuant to 6-13-604.
(3) The board of directors of the resulting district shall be elected from single-member zones of substantially equal population based upon the most recent census information and from which racial minorities may be represented on the board of directors in proportions reflected in the school district as a whole.
(c) The length of the term of each member of the board of directors after annexation or consolidation shall be for a time period as allowed by law.
(d) At the first meeting of a new board of directors after annexation or consolidation, the members shall determine their terms by lot so that no more than two (2) members' terms expire during any one (1) year.
(e) Any vacancy on the board of directors shall be filled in the manner provided for by law.
(f) The establishment of a board of directors with an even number of members following annexation or consolidation is hereby prohibited.